missier, clyde anieldath
This study addresses how religious affective content in digital media influences epistemic authority, social imaginaries, and religious beliefs. It draws on data from 64 in-depth interviews with Generation Y and Generation Z individuals with a higher-education background who identified as Christian, Muslim, or Hindu, conducted in Mumbai, India. Whi...
lienen, christina sweida-metwally, samir
For over two decades, France’s Muslim population has faced a series of legal measures and hostile public narratives aimed at problematizing their faith. Notable examples include the 2004 national ban on “ostentatious religious symbols” in state schools, which prohibits obligatory religious dress in various settings. These individual instances are c...
barnes, sandra lynn
This qualitative study examines common stressors and support mechanisms in the lives of a group of 76 young Black members of the LGBTQIA community ages 18–30 years old based on questions to gauge common conflict or problems in their lives, personal support networks, and experiential reflections. Findings are based on the Structure versus Agency dis...
Chottin, Marion Dubourg, Ninon
National audience
Zangana, Samad Yousif, Oudha Akram Mohammed Subhi Abbas, Anas Nadea Abdulateef, Aqeel
The intricate military operations in the Middle East are impacted by the constitutional frameworks in the area, resulting in significant global ramifications. The article explores the constitutional basis that grants legal authority for military operations in the region. This study aims to examine the constitutional systems that provide authorizati...
Hingtgen, Grace M Grant-Kels, Jane M
Published in
Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology
mastrangelo, simon rochat, etienne pruijm, menno
Background: Whether hemodialysis patients want caregivers to discuss spirituality is poorly studied, especially in Europe. The goal of this qualitative study was to explore the spirituality and spiritual expectations of hemodialysis patients in a Swiss dialysis center. Methods: Semi-structured, qualitative interviews were performed by an experience...
Hodge, David R Turner, Patricia R
Published in
International journal of psychiatry in medicine
This mixed methods study examined depictions of spirituality among people with psychosis in influential television programming. Spirituality is a central strength for many people with psychosis. Yet, despite the important role media plays in shaping perceptions, little research has examined the intersection between spirituality and psychosis in the...
Voins, Valdis
Published in
Socrates. Rīga Stradiņš University Faculty of Law Electronic Scientific Journal of Law.
This study examines the global tension between freedom of expression and blasphemy laws. While social media fuels debates on secular values and religious sensitivities, restrictive laws in nearly 70 countries criminalize blasphemy and apostasy, with penalties including imprisonment and death. International efforts, led by the UN, call for abolishin...
Riba, Caterina Sanmartí, Carme
George Eliot (1819-1880) escribió sus obras en un contexto protestante que se traslada a sus novelas, en las que aparecen tanto conflictos morales como pugnas entre confesiones religiosas y personajes que encarnan distintas profesiones. La visión del catolicismo que se proyecta en las novelas es muy crítica. Sin embargo, en época franquista se publ...