Asnake, Daniel Alemayehu, Melkamu Misganaw, Muluken
Published in
Open Agriculture
Garlic is one of the most important cash crops cultivated by smallholder farmers throughout Ethiopia. However, due to inappropriate agronomic practices including clove size and intra-row spacing, the productivity of the crop is low in the country. Therefore, a field experiment was conducted during the 2019 main cropping season under rain feed condi...
Larsen, Levi Morin Biegel, Kathryn Guaita, Nahuel Foss, Andrew
Published in
Frontiers in Nuclear Engineering
The U.S. Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) of 2022 provides a wide array of tax credits and other incentives for low-carbon energy. The technology-neutral clean generation production tax credit (PTC) (Section 45Y of the U.S. Internal Revenue Code) and the technology-neutral investment tax credit (ITC) (Section 48E) lower the net cost of new electricity...
Ngochembo, Gaston Gwemelang Balgah, Roland Azibo Fonteh, Mathias Fru
Published in
Journal of Agribusiness and Rural Development
Cameroon is a net rice importer, and actors’ performance along the rice value chain is yet to be well understood, even though they are presumed to integrate functions along the chain. The aim of the study was to investigate the financial performance of actors in the rice value chain in Ngoketunjia division in Cameroon. A multi-stage sampling techni...
Vojtekova, Simona Kliestik, Tomas
Published in
Management Dynamics in the Knowledge Economy
Many business entities in Slovakia felt the pressure of government restrictions during the Covid-19 pandemic, especially entities from SK NACE I: accommodation and food services activities. The main objective of this article is to analyse the return on equity, assets and sales in selected sectors in Slovakia and find out if the Covid-19 pandemic ha...
Shanmugam, P. M. Sangeetha, S. P. Prabu, P. C. Varshini, S. V. Renukadevi, A. Ravisankar, N. Parasuraman, P. Parthipan, T. Satheeshkumar, N. Natarajan, S. K.
Published in
Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems
Introduction Climate change, nutritional security, land shrinkage, and an increasing human population are the most concerning factors in agriculture, which are further complicated by deteriorating soil health. Among several ways to address these issues, the most prominent and cost-effective means is to adopt an integrated farming system (IFS). Inte...
Lefebvre, Vivien
Saiz-Sepúlveda, Álvaro Orden-Cruz, Carmen Hernández-Tamurejo, Álvaro
Published in
Frontiers in Applied Mathematics and Statistics
A retrospective view of the “subprime mortgage” crisis enables us to assess the actions of banks, both those prompting the genesis of the crisis and those resulting from subsequent actions aimed at resolving it and rebooting the economy. However, given the fact that the crisis is framed by the sudden appearance of another outside the established pa...
Dudová, Adéla
Bakalářská práce je zaměřena na zhodnocení finanční situace vybrané společnosti pomocí finanční analýzy. Cílem bylo zhodnotit vývoj ukazatelů rentability a aktivity vybrané společnosti působící v textilním průmyslu v letech 2018-2022. Nejprve je popsána metodika finanční analýzy, která je poté využita v praktických částech této práce. Třetí kapitol...
Göransson, Evelina
Matheus Muñiz, Edward David Alejandro Lindao, María Fernanda
The research titled production cost and operating margin of agricultural companies in the province of Santa Elena, whose objective is to evaluate the cost of production and the agricultural operating margin through analysis of productive factors, providing mechanisms that increase the degree of profitability of agricultural companies. The study is ...