Spletna aplikacija za prijavo študentov na mednarodno izmenjavo
Published in Gerontology & geriatrics education
The demanding and challenging nature of care for geriatric patients requires appropriate preparation of health care professionals. However, the willingness of nursing students to work in geriatric nursing care is mostly at a low level. The EAging_C project has been developed to investigate the relationship between nursing teachers' and students' at...
V diplomskem delu sem raziskovala pogled na izobraževanje za socialno delo s strani mentorjev in mentoric na centrih za socialno delo. Skozi uvodni in teoretični del, sem na kratko predstavila zgodovino izobraževanja za socialno delo, razvijanje študijskega programa in ustanovitev Fakultete za socialno delo, kot jo poznamo danes. Prav tako sem se d...
Each year since 2016, students of ENSTA Bretagne specialised in hydrography/oceanography and marine robotics participate to a field project on Lake Guerlédan in Brittany (France). One of the subjects they work on is the study of biodiversity in the lake using acoustic systems. In collaboration with research institutes such as Ifremer and directed b...
Slovenija je zaradi migracij, ki so se odvijale v preteklosti in se dogajajo še danes, etnično raznolika država. Srbska, bosanska, kosovska in romska etnična skupina so pri nas najštevilčnejše, vendar pa nimajo primernih in zadostnih pravic, ki bi jih obvarovale pred diskriminacijo, stigmatizacijo in rasizmom. Zaradi tega je njihov položaj v sloven...
Published in Wilderness & environmental medicine
The College of Public Health at East Tennessee State University started a program in 2011 to teach the skills needed to protect and promote health and well-being in resource-limited settings. The need to provide public health services in resource-limited settings exists in both wilderness and isolated settings and when a disaster disrupts basic soc...
Cette recherche propose d’étudier succinctement, à la suite de travaux de Foucault, deux textes de Platon dans deux contextes différents : au moment de l’apogée de la démocratie athénienne, celui sur Alcibiade, et au moment de la décadence des cités et démocraties grecques, sa Lettre VII. Dans les deux cas, il s’agit de l’éducation d’adultes, le pr...
The main purpose of the article is to study the features and prospects of practical training of students (future social teachers) at universities. At the present stage, pedagogical education in each country, while maintaining the acquired national experience, is being reformed and is gradually entering the world educational space. The training of s...
L’article s’intéresse à l’éducation militante et à la formation au militantisme des avocats membres du Syndicat des Avocats de France (SAF). Les membres du SAF se présentent, et sont présentés par les confrères qui n’en font pas partie, comme des avocats militants. Une double question rythme l’article : quelles sont la formation et l’éducation synd...
Bakalářská práce se zabývá prevencí rizik v oblasti BOZP při praktické výuce žáků středních škol zaměřených na chovatelství a jezdecký sport. V teoretické části práce jsou popsány zákonné požadavky na BOZP ve školství a dokumentace BOZP ve výuce. Dále jsou komplexně zkoumány rizikové faktory specifické pro prostředí školních stájí a pracovišť prakt...