Velasco Arias, María Cevallos Campoverde, Mario
The competitiveness and challenges of the market raise the need to recognize the best practices and digital marketing tools that can influence the positioning of a digital communication agency, in order to identify them it is raised as a general objective, identify the digital marketing tools to position the brand of a digital communication agency ...
Vera Macedo, Juan Pablo Vera Macedo, Israel Ávila Cicilía, Eliecer González Roselló, Ana Karelia Vanegas Caraballo, Over José
Networking is a style of work that contributes not only to organizational behavior, as it generates: diverse coordinated relational spaces; learning, initiatives, but to integrated community work, popular education and the development of the science, technology and science park for life. The reengineering that is established qualifies it as a socia...
Martínez Aguilar, Marcos Francisco Tristán Monrroy, Beatriz Virginia Flores Rueda, Isabel Cristina Rodríguez Martínez, Miranda Yoninah
This paper provides positioning information, more frequent use of brands, shopping sites, frequency of acquisition and spending on various products so that local companies know their position in the market and can design strategies that allow their subsistence through the use of the information for the design of image maintenance strategies, knowle...
Díaz Blanca, Lourdes
The purpose of this article is to analyze the rhetorical steps that make up the establishment of the research niche in the problem statement of Linguistics degree projects and the negation resources used by the author to position himself on the frontiers of knowledge. In this exploratory study, six rhetorical steps were obtained: pointing out a pro...
Sánchez-Toledano, Blanca Zegbe, Jorge A. Mena-Covarrubias, Jaime Echavarría-Cháirez, Francisco
RESUMEN El chile (Capsicum annuum L.) es uno de los cultivos más importantes en el estado de Zacatecas, México; sin embargo, su permanencia como cadena agroalimentaria podría estar en riesgo por falta de planeación en el establecimiento anual del cultivo, inestabilidad de los precios por falta de regulación en la oferta e importación anual, amén de...
La Cruz Arango, Oscar David Andersson Zelada Flórez, Edwin Aguirre Landa, John Peter Garro Aburto, Luzmila
Cada vez son más las universidades que se adhieren a la figura de Responsabilidad Social Universitaria, sin embargo, muy pocas la asocian con su posicionamiento. Por ello, el objetivo del estudio es determinar la relación que existe entre la responsabilidad social y el posicionamiento de las universidades de Lima-Perú. La investigación es de tipo d...
Casas Romero, Cecilia Chávez Muñoz, José
En la práctica educativa del diseño social, el alumno desarrolla una conciencia del lugar que ocupa como diseñador con respecto a los miembros del colectivo vulnerable. Este estudio trata de definir en qué consiste este posicionamiento autopercibido, como apoyo a una hipótesis, más general, según la cual el quehacer del diseñador social difiere del...
Gaitán Aguilera, Fabio José Golovina, Natalia Sergueyevna
This research was carried out in the city of Esteli in the first semester of the year 2022. Owners of clothing and footwear businesses registered in the Municipal Mayor’s Office of Estelí participated. The purpose of the study was to characterize the socioeconomic factors that influence the competitiveness of clothing and footwear businesses in Est...
Fondevila Gascón, Joan Francesc Mir Bernal, Pedro Sádaba Garraza, Teresa Vila Márquez, Fátima
Millennials are characterized by living linked to technology and new forms of communication. Through social networks millennials are related to the main brands mul-tiplying the interaction and constantly evolving perceptions with them, a fact that con-trasts with other generations that could not relate so quickly and frequently with brands. By stud...
Merino Sánchez, Cristian Geovanny Moncayo Sánchez, Yolanda Patricia Salazar Tenelanda, Marco Vinicio
The present investigation was developed in order to find technical tools based on technology, and that help microentrepreneurs in the city of Riobamba to reach a potential client that represents a constant profitability for the Ancestral Food company dedicated to the commercialization of cereals and derivatives of honey, on the other hand today peo...