Rojas Martínez-Parets, Fernando de
The blue or maritime economy is one of the pillars of the so-called ‘new economy’ prioritized by the European Union in various reports, strategies, funding streams, and EU Communications. In addition to promoting and designing a strategy for the autonomous blue economy – already adopted by various regions – we propose incorporating an element of pl...
Parra Pacheco, Carolina Campos Castillo, Omi Duarte, Cory
The study aims to explore the topic of Trans* Health through a narrative review, allowing us to discuss the social and healthcare frameworks for the trans* population by reviewing relevant publications. The analysis is organized around three main areas: “the relationship of the State with the issue from structural and political perspectives,” “the ...
Carrasco Lara, Gabriela Paola
El artículo examina el impacto de la inclusión educativa de personas con discapacidad en Ecuador, basándose en un análisis detallado de políticas públicas, datos del Ministerio de Educación y estudios académicos relevantes. Se destaca el crecimiento en la matriculación de estudiantes con discapacidad en escuelas regulares y su mejora en el rendimie...
Torres Bernal, Rossana Mejía Campó, Nely Huayta Franco, Yolanda
In Latin America, education has had very noticeable gaps due to the pandemic, public educational policies have not been adequately implemented, therefore, the purpose is to systematically map and analyze the academic contributions of scientific articles on public educational policies. in Latin America of the seven countries that cover the years 201...
Casanova Pérez, Lorena Rosales-Martínez, Verónica Cruz-Bautista, Patricia Cruz de la Cruz, Emigdio de la García Alonso, Florencia San Juan Martínez, Alberta
Abstract The economic, social, and technological conditions in agriculture have changed due to public policies implemented by the Mexican government. These changes have forced producers to make decisions to adapt to a complex agricultural reality. The objective of this research is to analyze the changes in cropping patterns over four decades and th...
Cian, Janet Priscila
During the 1930s, the governments of the province of Entre Ríos promoted an agrarian policy that articulated the distribution of land, the training of farmers and cooperativism -Law 2985/1934 -which constituted a precedent of similar legislation that was implemented in other jurisdictions. This public policy was investigated from the agrarian histo...
Flores Sánchez, Gerardo Flores, Rodrigo Alvarez Aros, Erick Leobardo Mendiola Infante, Susana Virginia
El objetivo de esta investigación fue identificar las tendencias y características con respecto a las políticas públicas de los cuidados de largo plazo de las personas mayores y el envejecimiento desde una mirada holística en América Latina. Para lograr el objetivo anterior, la metodología del estudio se desarrolló mediante un análisis bibliométric...
Reis Barbosa, Mariana Santos Botelho, Catarina Pinto, Filipe
In the present ‘risk society’, the protection of future generations is a profusely complex issue that is becoming increasingly acute. First of all, generational theory should not only be studied from philosophical and deontic perspectives but also needs a sociological analysis. One of the Achilles’ heels of the democratic system is its excessive co...
Alonso, Nuria Trillo del Pozo, David Vicent Valverde, Lucía
This article analyzes the domestic work and paid care sector in the countries of the European Union (EU), which includes jobs mostly carried out by women, generally with a serious lack of job protection, low wages, degraded working conditions, informality, precariousness and “invisibility” of tasks, etc. However, these jobs represent essential serv...
Arenas Arias, Germán Jair
This article proposes an interdisciplinar alloy between policy studies and plain language and/or clear communication. Taking the term policy networks as a starting point, it primarily discusses the existence of epistemic communities, as a networkof professionals with recognised experience and competence, with the potential to influence the design o...