This paper presents a source/resonator model of hammer-string interaction that produces realistic piano sound. The source is generated using a subtractive signal model. Digital waveguides are used to simulate the propagation of waves in the resonator. This hybrid model allows resynthesis of the vibration measured on an experimental setup. In partic...
This paper reviews recent developments in physics-based synthesis of piano. The paper considers the main components of the instrument, that is, the hammer, the string, and the soundboard. Modeling techniques are discussed for each of these elements, together with implementation strategies. Attention is focused on numerical issues, and each implemen...
We have designed a piano sound synthesis model using both physical and signal models. Our model accurately reproduces the tone of the instrument by simulating the main physical phenomena involved in the sound production. We first made a set of measurements on an experimental setup and on a real grand piano. For each note and several dynamic levels,...
The contact between the piano hammer and the string is considered within a sound synthesis framework. Particular attention is paid to the model of the felt around the hammer head.
The purpose of this work is to make a general presentation of Chopin, the age in which he lived, his G minor Ballade and selected editions of the Ballade. I will also compare five recordings of the G minor Ballade, and make a presentation and a recording of my own interpretation of the G minor Ballade. This work discusses his life up to the time th...