Background: Emergency medical services (EMS) are essential in providing timely medical attention and transportation to people in need during times of crisis. Effective EMS operations are crucial for delivering prompt and effective healthcare. However, the landscape of EMS operations is constantly evolving, posing a number of challenges that require...
huang, liliqing, yuzhu, ziyuhuang, pingding, xibingxiaowen, machen, yuwendiansan, su
Purpose: The need for anaesthesia or analgesia for performing hysteroscopy remains debatable. This study aimed to conduct an overview of the situation of anaesthesia for hysteroscopy in mainland China. Methods: Two questionnaires were separately designed for anaesthesiologists and gynaecologists and distributed to every medical institution that per...
Vse več raziskav dokazuje pomembnost socialnih dejavnikov delovnega okolja. Medtem ko so lahko neustrezni socialni odnosi na delovnem mestu pomembno psihosocialno tveganje za duševno zdravje, lahko kakovostni medosebni odnosi pripomorejo k številnim pozitivnim učinkom in delujejo preventivno pred negativnimi izidi. Bolj podrobno razumevanje potreb,...
When involved in entrepreneurship activities, the competencies of entrepreneurs are made tangible as entrepreneurs interact with their environment. This study focuses on a framework for entrepreneurial competencies. The entrepreneurial competencies held by entrepreneurs are explored from the perspectives of conative, social, and cognitive competenc...