Une science citoyenne ? Le programme Feederwatch et la politique des grands nombres
IPAs (Ponctual Index of Abundance) are used to study relations between birds and their environment. In order to identify a saturation stage in contacting birds, which corresponds to the optimal IPA, it is necessary to test the relevance of different point count durations (5 min, 10 min, 15 min, 20 min). We tested it in rural landscapes of highlands...
The establishment of regular wintering of the White Stork (Ciconia ciconia) in southern France has been documented by regular census data and individual identification of banded birds. The number of wintering storks rose from eight in 1996-1997 to 172 in 2003-2004. Most records (87%) came from the Montpellier region (43°34'N, 3°54'E). The birds mai...
Complement to the list of the birds of New Caledonia. Over the last five years, ten species of birds not previously known on the island have been seen, increasing the number of species/subspecies recorded in New Caledonia to about 192 taxa. Two of these new species bred: the Great Cormorant Phalacrocorax carbo apparently colonised over the last one...
The effect of in ovo exposure to PCBs, DDE and paraquat on transketolase activity was measured in 19-day-old chicken embryos. Furazolidone was used as a positive control for decreased activity of the enzyme. The potency of contaminants to interact with transketolase was also tested in an in vitro system, using control brain 7000xg supernatants cont...
Dit rapport beschrijft het resultaat van vliegtuigtellingen die in januari en maart 2002 werden gehouden om de aantallen en de verspreiding vast te stellen van de in Nederland overwinterende eidereenden Somateria mollissima. Alleen de Voordelta werd niet geteld. In januari 2002 werden 105 821 eidereenden geteld en in maart 2002 53 801. Ook de versp...
The northern fulmar is a seabird known to consume litter such as plastic. The Dutch government has asked for an investigation of the possibility to use stomach contents of beach-washed fulmars as a monitoring tool for the abundance of marine litter inthe North Sea. Such monitoring is of importance in view of the implementation of the EU directive o...
Mass mortality of common eiders (Somateria mollissima) was observed in winter 1999/2000 in the Dutch Wadden Sea. Approximately 21 000 common eiders died. Dissected birds were severely emaciated and 94% were infected with the acanthocephalan parasite Profilicollis botulus. Green shore crabs (Carcinus maenas), intermediate hosts of the parasite, were...