Díaz, Anyelín
Develop a character, delve into the skin, into the psyche, what the character looks like,how they speak, how they react, what their worries and fears are, what their joys, their goals and their greatest desires are; is not easy. It takes time to think, to observe, to read, to search, to wait. For a singer the search is twofold. We must look for the...
Granado Persson, Clarice
This work examines the laboration of an opera scene performed from three different perspectives and distances. With my own experience of learning acting from two different schools I have in this project developed a method through observing the different feelings and experiences when acting for three different viewpoints. One being as close as a mov...
Fribyter, Saga
This work examines the direct effect of yoga on the singing voice. Is it possible to notice a difference in the voice right after a yoga session? I put together a method to test this by singing right before and right after practicing yoga and thoroughly documenting this in writing and by recording. I was amazed by the difference that could be notic...
Sarna, Bartłomiej
Even before I started studying at the SKH Opera, I was already contemplating what would happen afterwards. So it all started with the idea that I'd like to apply to an Opera Studio after graduation. I realised that the largest market for opera studies is in German-speaking countries, where I could continue to develop my talent and simultaneously ea...
Aranda Espinosa, Francisco
This philosophical essay delves into the genealogy of sin and forgiveness in Giuseppe Verdi's opera Stiffelio, emphasizing the composer's skill in crafting complex characters and expressing emotions through music. Verdi is defended as an inspired creator, drawing from significant literary works of his time. His bold exploration of social and ethica...
Crunel Bedouet, Bérénice
Au sein d’une maison d’opéra à la renommée internationale, cette thèse met en lumière un collectif de contributeurs au spectacle souvent laissé dans l’ombre : les machinistes. Ces techniciens occupent une position subalterne dans un établissement où leur subordination à un ordre bureaucratisé est redoublée par leur dévalorisation dans les hiérarchi...
Cailliez, Matthieu
L’article établit un premier inventaire de la présence des produits dérivés d’opéras français dans les périodiques musicaux germanophones publiés entre 1765 et 1800, sous la forme de partitions, de réclames ou de recensions. Si le corpus témoigne d’une plus large diffusion de l’opéra italien dans le monde germanique sous l’Ancien Régime, l’attentio...
Moniuszko, Stanisław (1819-1872)
(Opera w Salonie : Wyjątki z Oper Polskich, Włoskich, Francuskich i Niemieckich na Rozmaite Głosy, Oraz Duety z Towarzyszeniem Fortepianu ; 60)