Resin Geyer, Claudio Fernando
L'objectif de cette thèse est la conception d'une implantation parallèle efficace de Prolog. Sur une machine sans mémoire commune. Le modèle de calcul exploite le parallélisme ou selon l'approche multisequentielle classique. La partie principale de cette thèse est l'étude de méthodes de partage de contexte entre plusieurs machines abstraites Prolog...
Montes, Christian
L'opéra met en scène le monde, mais est loin de chanter la terre entière : l'analyse des principaux opéras montre que le traitement de l'espace y renvoie tant aux mentalités collectives de chaque époque et aux courants littéraires alors en vogue qu'aux nécessités dramaturgiques, esthétiques, commerciales, voire politiques.
Pillot-Loiseau, Claire
The notion of "vocal efficiency" is difficult to define. In order to contribute to this definition, several data were obtained: first the evaluation of glottal efficiency Eg using an acoustic analysis was obtained. Second, we run a study asking subjects to find synonyms of vocal effectiveness. Results showed the prevalence of the perceptual aspect ...
Rudent, Catherine
Dans les magazines musicaux français des années 1990, la musique apparaît comme scindée en unités plus petites - le jazz, le rock, le rap, la techno : il ne s'y agit pas de la musique, mes "des" musiques, chacune dotée d'une certaine cohérence. Une analyse de contenu portant sur tous les magazines d'une année récente permet de saisir la teneur de c...
Pierce, J. Lamar
Published in
Journal of Cultural Economics
This study explores the relationships between culture,politics, and the decision-making process of theAmerican opera company. It combines socio-economicdata with the financial and program data of key operacompanies to explore important influences inprogramming decisions. It tests the hypothesizedrelationships between risk-taking by opera companiesa...
Jenkins, John S.
Published in
Journal of Pediatric Endocrinology and Metabolism
Under the influence of testicular secretion, the male vocal cords increase in length by 67% in adult men compared with prepubertal boys, whereas in the female the increase is only 24%. This greater length and an increase in vocal cord mass is responsible for the lowering of pitch of the male voice during puberty. From the late 16th century, castrat...
Castarède, Marie-France
RésuméL’auteur montre comment ses recherches sur l’enveloppe vocale maternelle, les interactions sonores, la musique, l’opéra, l’illusion chorale, le rapport au chef dans le groupe musical ont été marquées par les concepts de Didier Anzieu.
Paradis, Annie
Learning to sing: Metamorphosing emotionsOpera only exists through and for emotions. The purpose of the patient work with vocal techniques for shaping a singer’s voice and body is to transmit – express – emotions. From private singing lessons to the public performance on stage, light is shed on how emotions are, step by step, from the singer to the...
King, Timothy
Published in
Journal of Cultural Economics
Have different methods of financing the performing arts had an effect on thequality or diversity of thestock of works to be performed? This paper contrasts experience in the HolyRoman Empire and Italyfrom the mid-eighteenth to the mid-nineteenth century when copyright lawsbegan to play a major rolein the economics of composition. The period 1751–17...
Heilbrun, James
Published in
Journal of Cultural Economics
Using data published by Opera America, this paperexamines the aggregate repertory of U.S.companies by calculating the total numberof companies and productions at six dates; thenumber of 20th century operas produced; theDiMaggio–Stenberg Index of conformity; andthe Herfindahl index of concentration. It is shownthat opera is a growth industry, butcha...