Operatic Narratives: Textual Transformations in Gwen Harwood and Larry Sitsky’s Golem and Lenz
Operatic Narratives: Textual Transformations in Gwen Harwood and Larry Sitsky’s Golem and Lenz
Operatic Narratives: Textual Transformations in Gwen Harwood and Larry Sitsky’s Golem and Lenz
In two very different versions of a story of rum-running along the British Columbia-Alberta border in the Crowsnest Pass in the early 1920s, Sharon Pollock and John Murrell replay history as tragedy. Murrell's libretto for the opera Filumena captures the passion and pathos of the exceptional true-life story of Filumena, who at the age of twenty-two...
Dokumentation och utvärdering av Operaverkstan i Malmö 2002-2005, på uppdrag av Sparbanksstiftelsen SkåneUnder tre års tid har ett, i både svenska och internationella sammanhang, unikt projekt genomförts i Malmöregionen. Med stöd från Sparbanksstiftelsen Skåne har en experimentell operaverksamhet med barn och ungdomar som målgrupp utvecklats och bl...
Deux grands types de crassiers subsistent après l'exploitation charbonnière: - les terrils originaux, plus ou moins coniques, à granulométrie grossière; - les terrils remaniés, tabulaires, comprenant des bassins à schlamms, à granulométrie triée et avec de vastes plages de schlamms argilo-limoneux. Les auteurs présentent succinctement la richesse ...
En presentation av Kungliga Svenska Baletten. Denna ska distribueras till operahus världen över innan ny turné påbörjas. Shanghais operahus var det första som fick den färdiga produkten.Fördjupningen rör olika operahus design och arkitektur ut- och invändigt. Även en del av husens relevanta historia tas upp.
Few books can claim both the popularity and controversiality of Fenelon's Les Aventures de Telemaque (1699), a novel translated into several languages and repeatedly praised for containing "delightful images of practical philosophy" (Muratori, 1706). But Telemaque had more to offer than just reading matter. The dramatic episodes punctuating its epi...
Résumé Il s’agit de montrer que la passion amoureuse est exaltée grâce à la voix dans l’opéra. Le féminin chez la femme et chez l’homme est au cœur de la passion amoureuse et symbolise l’espoir du retour à l’amour maternel primordial.
Résumé La lecture de deux biographies de Benjamin Britten laissent apparaître des liens entre l’histoire familiale du compositeur, son choix d’objet amoureux et son investissement de la musique. En particulier, la manière dont l’attirance homosexuelle pour de jeunes adolescents est élaborée par Britten à travers son œuvre, permet de discerner trois...
Published in Journal of Cultural Economics
Have different methods of financing the performing arts had an effect on thequality or diversity of thestock of works to be performed? This paper contrasts experience in the HolyRoman Empire and Italyfrom the mid-eighteenth to the mid-nineteenth century when copyright lawsbegan to play a major rolein the economics of composition. The period 1751–17...
Published in Journal of Cultural Economics
Using data published by Opera America, this paperexamines the aggregate repertory of U.S.companies by calculating the total numberof companies and productions at six dates; thenumber of 20th century operas produced; theDiMaggio–Stenberg Index of conformity; andthe Herfindahl index of concentration. It is shownthat opera is a growth industry, butcha...