Forment, Bruno
Against established knowledge, which conceives of the Baroque stage as a uniform, neatly mechanized ensemble of wings, borders, and backdrops, multiple drawings and material artifacts suggest that eighteenth-century set designers added various pièces détachées to the standard machinery. Thus, free-standing flats were applied manually (by the stageh...
Heyer, Paul
Abstract: Beginning with the 2006-07 season, the New York Metropolitan Opera began broadcasting live performances into select movie theatres around the world. This article explores the phenomenon using an approach known as medium theory. It draws from the work of three analysts in that tradition who have focused on the performing and recording arts...
Erlander, Lillemor
En studie av teaterdekoratören, konstnären och arkitekten Louis Jean Desprez' betydelse för Gustaf III nationella projekt, att förena sitt folk och skapa en nationell identitet med hjälp av opera och teater. / A study in the importance of the theatre decorateur artist and architect Louis Jean Desprez' for the national project of Gustaf III, to unit...
Ethnersson, Johanna
That opera seria of the early eighteenth century can be interpreted in terms of the theoretical model of Edward Said’s “Orientalism”, has been established by scholars during the last decades. The drama often shows a polarity between two characters, the Ideal and the Exotic (Other). This dichotomy has been interpreted as a manifestation of the absol...
Laborde, Denis
RésuméDe 1997 à 2002, eurent lieu la naissance, l’élaboration puis la création par l’Ensemble Modern de Francfort d’un opéra vidéo du compositeur minimaliste américain Steve Reich et de la vidéaste Beryl Korot : Three Tales. Cet opéra était une commande de Klaus Peter Kehr, directeur musical des Wiener Festwochen (Vienne). Sa réalisation mobilisa u...
Forment, Bruno
A paradigm of the earliest operatic endeavors of the Arcadian Academy, the myth of Endymion and Diana inspired librettos by Christina of Sweden and Alessandro Guidi, Francesco de Lemene, and Pietro Metastasio. All of these efforts emerged as reactions to the ‘Baroque,’ yet their dramaturgical and intellectual underpinnings appear to stand in such c...
Urchueguía, Cristina
El proceso de adaptación de la ópera, el género musical más complejo y opulento de los siglos XVII y XVIII, al escenario germánico estuvo flanqueado por una intensa y encarnizada discusión estética e ideológica. Filósofos, teólogos, críticos literarios y musicales y músicos alimentaron la disputa con argumentos de muy diverso cariz que van desde la...
Delville, Michel
Peer reviewed
Forment, Bruno
Deramond, Julie
Dès le début du xixe siècle, Jeanne d’Arc connaît la célébrité dans toute l’Europe. Élevée au pinacle, installée au panthéon des Français, elle devient un sujet en or pour les compositeurs et leurs librettistes, parce qu’elle permet d’aborder les thèmes les plus divers, de l’héroïque au religieux en passant par le pastoral et le tragique. Elle fait...