Type kluitplant bepaalt teeltsucces
This thesis represents detailed research on the "rice-soils-weather" system of the Ebro Delta (Spain) providing knowledge on how temperature, radiation, soil properties and farm management determine rice growth. After an introductory chapter, the findings are developed step-by-step. (i) Chapter 2 is an overview of the conditions in the study area. ...
Site-specific management (SSM) aims to maximise crop production and make efficient use of agrochemicals. This is achieved by varying farm management practices with consideration of local variability. Maps displaying relevant soil variability are needed to guide these site-specific practices. As it takes years to collect yield and leaching data to p...
This thesis focuses on the optimisation of N fertiliser application, taking into account spatially variable soil conditions. Spatial soil variability effects both cropproduction and nitrate leaching. Site specific management tries to address spatially variable conditions. Research on site specific management was done for a field on the experimental...