Credit is often seen as an indispensable vehicle for the poor to get out of poverty, or as the tool that allows farmers to get access to new technologies, to increase productivity and their incomes. But many existing credit programmes often undermine farmers’ independence, tie them into dependency relationships, and oblige them to take all the risk...
This study looks into images, and assumptions, of civil-society peacebuilding and its support by international development organizations, and how this relates to politics and practices of peacebuilding on the ground. It is built principally on a series of case studies of peacebuilding interventions and organizations working in southern Sudan, Burun...
In a world that is developing fast, Africa¿s relative stagnation is a human tragedy that challenges the development profession. Although climate and geography, and their effect on local institutions, are not in Africa¿s favour, inappropriate policies (including neglect of agriculture) and weak institutions figure more prominently in the explanation...
van Bodegom, A.J.Klaver, D.C.van Schoubroeck, F.H.J.van der Valk, O.M.C.
The FLEGT process is about the EU action plan on Forest Law Enforcement, Governance and Trade. This study focuses on the Governance aspects of FLEGT and was commissioned by the Ministry of Agriculture, Nature ad Food Quality of The Netherlands. There is a need to gain more insight into the definitions of 'governance' which apply to the forest secto...
The authorities of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA) and the United Arab Emirates (UAE) are making great efforts to diversify the economy, they wish to develop other sources of income to compensate for declining oil revenues. The scarcity of water gives cause to the need for its more efficient use, and for this reason protected horticulture is rece...