Determinants of brain drain amongst Serbian youth
Legionellae are gram-negative bacteria most commonly found in freshwater ecosystems and purpose-built water systems. In humans, the bacterium causes Legionnaires’ disease (LD) or a Pontiac fever. In this study, the different waters (drinking water, pool water, cooling towers) in which Legionella pneumophila has been isolated were studied to assess ...
Nanotechnology has enabled tremendous breakthroughs in the development of materials and, nowadays, is well established in various economic fields. Among the various nanomaterials, TiO$_2$ nanoparticles (NPs) occupy a special position, as they are distinguished by their high availability, high photocatalytic activity, and favorable price, which make...
A study was conducted on the waste of disposable surgical masks and their problematic impact on the environment. The studies examined have shown the negative effects on the environment that are likely to occur and those that have already occurred. In this article, society's relationship to the potential recycling of disposable surgical masks is con...
V Sloveniji se število bioplinskih naprav zadnja leta ne spreminja. Drugod v Evropi se število bioplinskih enot povečuje, posledično se proizvodnja bioplina in biometana veča, povečuje pa se tudi verjetnost nesreč, kot so razlitje digestata, eksplozije plina in podobno. Zaradi visokih koncentracij dušika in fosforja je nenadzorovano razlitje digest...
The issue of water management in Slovenia is regulated by several laws and by-laws. The right to drinking water is enshrined in the Constitution of the Republic of Slovenia. Individual by-laws in the field of water management are not coordinated with higher-level laws, the Constitution of the Republic of Slovenia, nor with EU regulations (directive...
V pričujočem besedilu avtor kritično ocenjuje uporabo pojmov, kot so ekosocializem, globoka ekologija, humana ekologija in celostna ekologija, ki se je uveljavila po objavi v okrožnici „Laudato si‘“. V uvodu je na kratko predstavljenih nekaj pogledov na okolje v slovenski teološki literaturi / v nadaljevanju avtor utemeljuje, zakaj po njegovem že p...