Schurer, Kevin
This spreadsheet is designed to be used in conjunction with the Integrated Census Microdata (I-CeM) collection of historic census data covering the period 1851 to 1921. For further details of the I-CeM data collection, please visit the comprehensive project website at: Outline information on...
Fleischer, Anne Humphrey, Casey
Published in
Occupational therapy in health care
This study found that a breast cancer survivor cohort who were 3-4 years post-treatment returned to near baseline activity levels, and their important activity categories were nearly evenly distributed among instrumental activities of daily living, high-demand leisure, and social participation. When describing their experiences, three themes emerge...
Claeys, M.; van den Broeck, A.; 45289; Houkes, I.; de Rijk, A.;
PURPOSE: Little is known about whether burnout can be stopped at an emerging stage. To develop this knowledge, we focus on line managers' perspectives and responses when an employee who seems to be heading for burnout is still at work. METHODS: We interviewed 17 line managers working in the educational and health care sectors, who had been confront...
Claeys, M Van den Broeck, A Houkes, I de Rijk, A
Published in
Journal of occupational rehabilitation
Little is known about whether burnout can be stopped at an emerging stage. To develop this knowledge, we focus on line managers' perspectives and responses when an employee who seems to be heading for burnout is still at work. We interviewed 17 line managers working in the educational and health care sectors, who had been confronted with the sickne...
Pušnik, Ajda
Uvod: Staranje je proces, ki se pri vsakem posamezniku kaže na drugačen način. To obdobje starejšim osebam prinese spremembe v zdravstvenem stanju, posledično s tem pa tudi spremembe v življenjskem slogu. Ne glede na vse spremembe je želja starejših oseb, da obdobje starosti preživljajo v domačem okolju, ki jim omogoča varno zavetje, dobro počutje ...
Marinko, Maja
Uvod: Okupacijska znanost z interdisciplinarnega vidika proučuje vse pojavne oblike okupacij. Ko-okupacije združujejo najmanj dva posameznika, ki imata drug na drugega vzajemen vpliv in si delita razumevanje namena ko-okupacije. Materinstvo je intenziven in vseživljenjski proces, ki s seboj prinaša spremembe identitete, okupacijskega repertoarja in...
Gunnarsson, A Birgitta Jansson, Jan-Åke Eklund, Mona
Published in
Work (Reading, Mass.)
Unemployment is high not only among people with mental illness, but also among young adults in general. The combination of having a severe mental illness and being young entails a particularly problematic situation for young people with psychosis. This study aimed to understand how this group envision their future possibilities for entering the lab...
Bittarello, Luca Kramarz, Francis Maitre, Alexis
Cet article évalue l’impact d’une croissance de l’offre de travail qualifié sur l’allocation des travailleurs aux tâches, au sein et entre les professions. Guidé par un cadre théorique simple, nous exploitons des informations détaillées sur les tâches exercées par les travailleurs, mesurées dans les enquêtes afin d’évaluer l’impact d’un doublement ...
Monteiro, Pedro Nicolini, Davide Erickson, Ingrid Cohen, Lisa E Dokko, Gina Corporaal, Greetje F Karunakaran, Arvind Bechky, Beth A O’Mahony, Siobhan
The place of work in organization studies and management has waxed and waned. Yet, today, social and technological developments have raised again interest in the study of work and this curated discussion brings together experts in key approaches to this topic. Seven contributions have been selected to provide a panorama of what we know about work w...
Sierra Pérez, Erika Villarraga Orjuela, Alexander
The effects of educational mismatch on the wages of young individuals aged 18 to 28 in Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador, and Peru are examined. Using Mincer equations and Heckman’s selection bias correction methodology, it is found that undereducation has a positive and significant impact on the wages of these workers in all four countries. Over-educatio...