Favier Torres, María Agustina Chi Ceballos, Mabel Dehesa González, Liana María Nicó García, Mercedes Calderín Lores, Inalvis Elena
Analysis to the program: General Medicine Introductory Course, which is taught and done in the first year of the medical career, in order to describe aspects of non-personal components of teaching-learning process. The criteria of the authors are used in teaching this program, which are identified some negative aspects related to the goals, values,...
Fernández Poncela, Anna María
We present a general account of the incidents which took place in Iguala, Guerrero, Mexico, 2014. After this overall introduction we discussed the Ayotzinapa protest movement, its characteristics, goals, opinions and achievements by taking in account citizens’ accounts and experiences. In particular we draw on interviews with young people of the ci...
Roméu Escobar, Margarita Díaz Quiñones, José Aurelio
Fundamento: la calidad en la confección de los temarios de exámenes es un eslabón esencial en el sistema de evaluación en ciencias médicas.Objetivo: valorar metodológicamente los temarios de exámenes finales de las asignaturas propias de la carrera de Medicina en la Facultad de Ciencias Médicas de Cienfuegos.Método: se realizó una investigación obs...
León Araujo, Maximiliano Russell González, Leonel Jorge Hernández, Rafael
The development of the sport at worldwide level maneuvers in a very dynamic way, each time is bigger the marks and the reached records for the athletes and in that particular aspect the athletics has a preponderant paper. Diverse are the scientific advances applied to the different specialities of the call deports king, however which motives to thi...
Zamorano García, David
Fruto del desarrollo de la nueva normativa educativa que se deriva de la aplicación de la Ley Orgánica 8/2013, de 9 de diciembre, para la mejora de la calidad educativa, surge incertidumbre vinculada de forma general al diseño curricular y particularmente en torno al tratamiento de un elemento del currículo de tradicional importancia como son los o...
Naveira Naveira, Ana María
In this article, in relation to the problematic raised in the law 19/2013, of Decem- ber 9, of transparency, public information and good government, which establish- es article 6 that “ The Public Administrations will publish the plans and annual and multiannual programs in which concrete aims should be fixed, as well as the activities, means and t...
Ortiz Granja, Dorys
The article discusses the topic of constructivism and its general orientations for the teaching process. There are the basic beliefs of this approach and then analyzed the objectives, content, methodology, techniques and evaluation, which is clear when one considers it as the axis of a learning process. / El artículo aborda el tema del constructivi...
Zambrano Mendieta, José E. Dueñas Zambrano, Kelvin I.
La investigación social constituye un proceso que sigue un conjunto o secuencia escalonada de etapas y tareas cognoscitivas que se realizan según un determinado orden y con requisitos coherentemente establecidos que son necesarios seguir de manera rigurosa. La consecución de los pasos lógicos en la investigación no implica por efecto que esta sea i...
Romero Robles, Pedro
The systems and elements of administration and planning have become in essential parts to reduce, mitigate or prevent difficulties and problems, so the relationship of planning has its incidence in the educative management quality too. All of this, leads to direct and facilitate different processes: First, the opportunities and benefits to improve ...
Mancini, Andrés Alberto
A process efficient strategic planning in silviculture, requires the availabilityof a comprehensive system of accounting and management information, tothe effect that management decisions during the life cycle of plantations, willprove useful for enhancing sustainably the value of forest, under the goal oftriple result.Being a long–term production ...