de Landsheere, Viviane de Landsheere, Gilbert
Publicada originalmente en francés, la obra de Viviane de L.andsheere y Gilbert de L.andsheere sintetiza y critica las diversas aportaciones de los estudiosos de los objetivos de la educación, que encuadra en tres niveles: fines generales de la educación, objetivos definidos por las grandes categorfas comportamentales o taxonomfas, y objetos operat...
Ortega, Josep LLuis
A special education model based on a systematic approach to teaching is presented. Application differences with respect to normal and special education are detailed. A theoretical review of the main components of the model is carried out (e.g., identifying needs, defining aims, task analysis, assessment, and sequencing) together with a description ...
Ferrer, Josep Ortega, Josep LLuis
Elaborating a metric curriculum for teaching students different types of measuring systems (length, weight, temperature, and volume) is of great use to schools. The characteristics of three existing curricula in this area are reviewed. The curriculum to teach measurements proposed by the authors includes four sections: length, temperature, capacity...
García Santa María, Teresa
A consummer education programme for secondary education is proposed. Its aim is to stimulate a conscious and analytic attitude towards consummer society from the school. The programme is closely linked to topics dealt with in the Natural Science class, though it maintains rich multidiciplinary connexions / Desde un Instituto de Bachillerato se prop...
Luque Vilaseca, Juan Luis García Madruga, Juan Antonio Martín Ramírez, J.
The theoretical context in this paper is that of text comprehension psychology. We present a brief review of some basic concepts that we hope will help to gain a better understanding of the two studies later introduced. The experimental intervention is centred on the text and not on the subjects. The main goal of both studies is to compare the diff...
Carmen Martín, Luis Miguel del
This article analyzes the implications of the study of the environment and environmental education in syllabussing at primary level. From the analysis of these concepts, we assess their apropiate use in choosing aims, contents and activities in the curriculum, taking into consideration the present education reform. / En el presente artículo se anal...
Martín Escobar, María Jesús
There is no doubt about the educational value of folklore for children's musical education as well as the advisability of its conscions development in school teaching. This work offers some orientative guidelines about what the auther considers that Musical Folklore may be, and how to teach it in the restricted area of infant and Primary school tea...
Torres Monreal, Santiago Ruiz Casas, María José
The focus of the present research is to test out the improvement in some strategies obtained as a result of the training in the SLA (Structured Listening Activity). Two groups of children from 1rd of EGB were individually administered a set of tests and two experiments of structured listening activity were carried out, following the pre-test/traini...
Pinto Martín, Amparo Fernández Martín, María Ascensión
This work shows an experience carried aut in the EUM of Palencia. This a project in Alternative Education, which offerts to the students the opportunity of achieving a complementary education if they take part in any of the available programs. One of these opportunities es the Permanent Education Program, which is given to the patiens in the Psychi...
Muñoz Izquierdo, Amparo Peiró Andrés, M.A.
Con este artículo retomamos la serie de trabajos que tienen como objetivo general ayudar a presentar con mayor rigor científico las conclusiones de nuestras investigaciones. Los artículos son documentos, Nuria Amat (1994) los define como «todo acontecimiento fijado materialmente sobre un soporte que puede ser utilizado para consulta, estudio o trab...