de Landsheere, Gilbert Bayer, E.
Objective description o.f teacher behavior in the classroom remains necessary. And since we have not yet a really satisfying instrument for that description, research also remains necessary. To convey a correct picture of teachin processes, it seems that research has still to solve some problems of observational procedures and to refine the analysi...
Lakka, Antti Nykänen, Veijo
The aim of the study has been to determine what construction requires of the the design and development process. It sought to point out the bottlenecks in design and to develop ideas for avoiding them. The ideas were then tested in ongoing building projects. The study revealed that building designs were completed behind schedule and were of poor qu...
Couzens, Alan C. Skitmore, Martin Thorpe, Antony
This paper describes a structured methodology for modelling the information requirements of contracting firms' tender adjudication decisions. The method adopted is based on the techniques of information strategy planning and critical success factor analysis used in the development of executive information systems (EISs). A general background explic...
Couzens, Alan Skitmore, Martin Thorpe, Antony
It is widely contended that since any one particular project contributes a relatively significant part of a construction firms turnover, the bidding decision on any one project will ultimately have a significant effect on the firms long term performance. It is also generally accepted that the formal strategy models aimed at supporting such decision...
Jokiniemi, Heikki
Presently the monitoring of a building project consists mainly of monitoring costs and adherance to the schedule. The monitoring of costs evaluates primarily the profitability of the project without considering the productivity of its implementation. The analysis of building production requires tools that also measure productivity. Since each buidi...
Förster, T. Widmaier, G.
Enterprises have to face new demands and to master permanently changing tasks. Management by delegation isn't possible if the tasks are changing so fast that the specification of tasks isn't possible in a current way anymore. In a Fractal Company the idea of how to manage a production unit is different to traditional methods. Management of Fractal ...
Emam, K. el Smith, R.
The primary objectives of Phase 2 of the Spice Trials focus on the adequacy of the framework for assessment, which includes a Reference Model and requirements for conducting process assessments. The approach to this involves performing trial assessments and conducting a number of exploratory studies aimed at improving the understanding of the facto...
Fernlund, Anna Johansson, Linda
Arbetet är en studie över tyska avdelningen och engelska gruppen på Europaskolan i Mol i Belgien. Vi har i arbetet återgivit intervjuerna vi har gjort med lärare, föräldrar och elever vid Europaskolan. I vissa fall har intervjuerna genomförts på ett språk som inte är modersmål för endera parten i intervjusituationen, därför blir det en tolkning, bl...
Thorpe, David Stuart
Physical infrastructure assets are important components of our society and our economy. They are usually designed to last for many years, are expected to be heavily used during their lifetime, carry considerable load, and are exposed to the natural environment. They are also normally major structures, and therefore present a heavy investment, requi...
Cochrane, Kevern L Butterworth, Doug S. De Oliveira, José A.A. Roel, Beatriz A.
Published in
Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries
The pelagic fishery in South Africa targets mainly anchovy, Engraulis capensis, and sardine, Sardinops sagax, both of which have varied substantially in abundance during the history of the fishery. Since 1988, there has been progress in this fishery towards the use of management procedures as the basis for determination of management regulations, w...