García Guiliany, Jesús Paz Marcano, Annherys Isabel Suarez Barros, Horacio
The management philosophy constitutes the support of the structure in the organizations, since an adequate construction facilitates that the administrative processes are aligned for the fulfillment of the outlined objectives. Thus, the purpose of the article is to determine the elements of the management philosophy that constitute the support of co...
Gustavsson, Karina
Hyggesfritt skogsbruk är en övergripande term som innebär att skogen sköts så att marken alltid är trädbevuxen utan att det uppstår några större kalhuggna ytor. Syftet med studien var att få en ökad förståelse för hur hyggesfritt skogsbruk fungerar i praktiken för privata enskilda skogsägare i Sverige. Frågeställningarna berörde vilka metoder som t...
Delgado Litardo, Boris Ivan Bravo Ross, Wendy Anabelle Pinzón Barriga, Luis Enrique
Enterprises are the ones that allow the economic development of countries to be achieved; within their classification, there are large, medium, and small ones. Within the classification of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), there is a segment of smaller size as a production unit, but which includes a large number of people in the whole sect...
Romo de Vivar Mercadillo, Manuel Ricardo... Gómez Monge, Rodrigo
The research focuses on analyzing, from the theory of fiscal federalism, the harmonization and correspondence of the relationships that intergovernmental transfers have: with the rent distribution function (income) and the resource allocation function (expenditure); with its objectives of fiscal equity and economic efficiency; with its implementati...
Breman, Bas Nieuwenhuizen, Wim Dirkx, Joep Pouwels, Rogier de Knegt, Bart de Wit, Esther Roelofsen, Hans van Hinsberg, Arjen van Egmond, Petra Maas, Gilbert
Met een natuurinclusieve inrichting van Nederland kan een belangrijke bijdrage worden geleverd aan het realiseren van actuele maatschappelijke opgaven. Dat blijkt uit de analyse van het scenario Natuurinclusief, één van de drie scenario’s uit de Natuurverkenning 2050. In dit scenario is er sprake van toename van het aanbod van meerdere ecosysteem...
Owsiński, Jan W.
Published in
Control and Cybernetics
Taking as an example the very interesting and motivating paper by Sousa Ribeiro et al. (2021) an attempt is made of providing a couple of insights into the decision making process from the point of view of the potentially helpful aspects of data analysis and OR-related modelling. These are just hints and suggestions, meant primarily to emphasise th...
Arias de la Cruz, Andres
This study aims at documenting the challenges that three Mexican students participating in a Content-Based Instruction (CBI) module from a Master’s (MA) program in English Language Teaching (ELT) face when writing content and language objectives for CBI lessons. Through qualitative research based on a content analysis design, one lesson plan of eac...
Ehlert, Phillip de Boer, Herman van de Lippe, John
De doelstelling van het project Kunstmestvrije Achterhoek (KVA) is het verduurzamen van de bemestingspraktijk door de bemesting van grasland en bouwland zo veel mogelijk in te vullen met regionaal beschikbare nutriënten. Het project is onderdeel, als gebiedsgerichte pilot, van het zesde Nederlandse actieprogramma1 in het kader van de Nitraatrichtl...
Mwewa wa Mwewa, Didier
Martínez Garcés, Josnel Garcés Fuenmayor, Jacqueline
The objective of this work is to determine the actors that define the objectives of knowledge management in a higher education institution. To achieve this, a Matrix of Alliances and Conflicts: Tactics, Objectives and Recommendations (MACTOR) was prepared, which was filled out by the members of the strategic and mission level during the second seme...