Álvarez-Medina, María Trinidad Ramírez Barón, María Concepción
Today more than ever, the activities carried out by human beings and organizations must be sustainable, in such a way that they contribute to the solution of economic, social and environmental problems. In this sense, in September 2015, the United Nations General Assembly established the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, considering 17 Susta...
Nyman, Hanna Johansson, Mimmi
Titel: Affärsänglars investeringsprocesser och målsättningar - En kvalitativ studie om distinktionen mellan kvinnors och mäns företagande Författare: Hanna Nyman och Mimmi Johansson Handledare: Hans Landström Examinator: Per-Ola Ulvenblad Nyckelord: Affärsänglar, investeringsprocesser, målsättningar, drivkrafter, könsskillnader Problemformulering: ...
Álvarez Vizcarra, Gumaro
The growth of the world economies has been based on a production model of a linear nature, which has implied a process of gradual degradation of natural resources; today, the efforts to modify the way of generating goods and services, are insignificant, the absence of a sustainable business culture, of responsible consumption on the part of the pla...
Purna singh, Addanki Shahapur, Praveen R Vadakedath, Sabitha Bharadwaj, Vallab Ganesh Kumar, Dr Pranay Pinnelli, Venkata BharatKumar Godishala, Vikram Kandi, Venkataramana
Published in
Clinical research is a systematic process of conducting research work to find solutions for human health-related problems. It is applied to understand the disease process and assist in the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention. Currently, we are experiencing global unrest caused by the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic. The novel severe acute ...
Judd, Meegan Bond, Nicholas Horne, Avril C.
Published in
Frontiers in Environmental Science
Implementing environmental flows has emerged as a major river management tool for addressing the impacts of hydrologic alteration in large river systems. The “natural flow paradigm” has been a central guiding principle for determining important ecohydrological relationships. Yet, climate change and associated changes in rainfall run off relationshi...
Zedníček, Tomáš
Diplomová práce se zabývá vytvořením podnikatelského plánu pro určitou společnost. Popisuje základní kroky podnikatelského plánu i důležité informace, které by neměly být v tomto plánu opomíjeny. Tato práce se dělí na dvě základní části na teoretickou a praktickou. Teoretická část je tvořena literární rešerší z oblasti podnikání, popisu témat souvi...
Julin Nyquist, Kristina Ahonen-Jonnarth, Ulla
Universities play an important role in the development of society. However, it is not always clear what the objectives of collaboration between a Higher Education Institution (HEI) and external stakeholders from the surrounding society are. In this study, value-focused thinking was applied to construct structures of strategic, fundamental and means...
Valdés Reyes, Bárbara
With the aim of explaining the evolution of the pedagogical thought of a graduate of the Pedagogical Detachment in the teaching of Mathematics at the secondary level, these experiences were elaborated from the work of 39 years teaching classes and directing the methodological work at different levels of education. The results are focused on sensiti...
Thi Ngoc Nguyen, Bich Vy Vo Thi, Tuong Ha Nguyen Vu, Nguyen Long Tran Chi, Vinh
Cooperation between social workers and educational forces in high schools is viewed as a two-way cooperative effort to assist learners needing intervention. Intervention, emergency support for teachers or students needing intervention or assistance; Organize events to promote student development, community integration, and assistance for teachers a...
Hoekstra, Nyncke Bruinenberg, Martine van Houwelingen, Karel Holshof, Gertjan
Weidende koeien kenmerken het Nederlandse landschap en weidegang levert een bijdrage aan het natuurlijke graasgedrag van de koe. Bij keuze en inrichting van beweidingssysteem spelen naast gras en melkopbrengst ook andere doelstellingen zoals draagkracht, praktische bedrijfsomstandigheden (arbeidsgemak en inspanning, perceelsindeling, bodemtype), N ...