Publication search
with nitrogen foam anoxia as keyword
Bhaskaran, Bimal Chakkingal; Meyermans, Roel; 110384; Gorssen, Wim; 116936; Maes, Gregory Erich; Janssens, Steven; 15116; Buys, Nadine; 12600;
Animals used in research often have to be euthanised, especially when tissue sampling is essential. Recently, a euthanasia method, utilizing an inhalant anaesthetic 'nitrogen gas in foam' in an anoxia box (ANOXIATM), has gained considerable interest as it claimed to be more animal-friendly. However, it is not clear whether the use of this euthanasi...
Bhaskaran, Bimal Chakkingal; Meyermans, Roel; 110384; Gorssen, Wim; 116936; Maes, Gregory Erich; Janssens, Steven; 15116; Buys, Nadine; 12600;
status: published
Chakkingal Bhaskaran, Bimal; 129812; Meyermans, Roel; 110384; Gorssen, Wim; 116936; Maes, Gregory Erich; Janssens, Steven; 15116; Buys, Nadine; 12600;
Animals used in research often have to be euthanised, especially when tissue sampling is essential. Recently, a euthanasia method, utilizing an inhalant anaesthetic 'nitrogen gas in foam' in an anoxia box (ANOXIATM), has gained considerable interest as it claimed to be more animal-friendly. However, it is not clear whether the use of this euthanasi...
bhaskaran, bimal chakkingal meyermans, roel gorssen, wim maes, gregory erich janssens, steven buys, nadine
Animals used in research often have to be euthanised, especially when tissue sampling is essential. Recently, a euthanasia method, utilizing an inhalant anaesthetic ‘nitrogen gas in foam’ in an anoxia box (ANOXIATM), has gained considerable interest as it claimed to be more animal-friendly. However, it is not clear whether the use of this euthanasi...