Principles of Environmental and Resource Economics
De lange-termijneffecten van een meer natuurlijk bosbeheer in Europa wat betreft de leeftijdsklassenverdeling van het Europese bos en de verwachte veranderingen in de import- en exportstromen van naald- en loofhout binnen Europa (Scandinavië, Oost-Europa, Centraal-Europa, Middellandse-Zeegebied). Ondanks de noodkreten van de verwerkende industrie z...
Keywords: optimization, multiple goal linear programming, technical coefficient generator, systems approach, peasant agriculture, trade-offsThe use of indicators for sustainability evaluation has been recognized as an important step towardsoperationalizationof the concepts of sustainability and sustainable development . In the context of Natural Re...
There is a broad recognition that sustainable land management (SLM) is crucial for ensuring an adequate, long-term supply of food, raw materials and other services provided by the natural environment to the human society. This paper presents a methodological framework for analyzing the benefits of sustainable land management
Environmental degradation and rural poverty are inter-related problems of great concern to developing countries. The poor mostly live in environmentally fragile regions and rely heavily on natural resources for their livelihood subsistence. Unfortunately, environmental degradation and rural poverty are often addressed separately or in terms of a ze...
On the 10th of October 2010 the governmental entity known as the Netherlands Antilles is scheduled to cease to exist. Each island will aquire a new status within the kingdom. Following the declaration of an Exclusive Fishery Zone (EFZ) in 1993, an Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) has been declared in the Dutch Caribbean on the tenth of June 2010. The ...
Er zijn momenteel een aantal initiatieven om het herstel van de aalstand te bevorderen. In dit rapport is een analyse gedaan in welke mate een verkoopstop voor aal in Nederland zou kunnen bijdragen aan het herstel van het Europese bestand. Vier scenario's zijn geanalyseerd waarin onderscheid is gemaakt tussen gedeeltelijke of volledige sluiting van...