Audia, Ellen Schulte, Lisa A. Tyndall, John
Published in
Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems
While provisioning ecosystem services generated through agricultural production are high, this often comes at the expense of other ecosystem services. Approaches that support both farm income and a balanced array of ecosystem services are needed. We employed a landscape modeling approach to demonstrate the financial and ecosystem service outcomes o...
Vasiliev, Denis
Published in
SHS Web of Conferences
Research background: Globally climate action is gaining momentum. Most significant players on global political arena including the US, the EU and China are actively engaging in addressing the problem of climate change. Sustainable development agenda implies the need to simultaneously reduce harmful impacts of anthropogenic activity on natural ecosy...
Lee, Katherine Apriesnig, Jenny Zhang, Hongyan
Published in
Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution
This manuscript uses seminal models in fisheries economics to assess the ecosystem effects of policy focused on sustainable management of a single fish stock. Economic models representing fishing decisions under open access and two fisheries management schemes are parameterized using data from the four management units in the Lake Erie Yellow Perch...
de Knegt, B. van der Aa, M. van Gerven, L. Hendriks, K. Koopmans, S. Lof, M. Riksen, M. Roelofsen, H. de Vries, S. Woltjer, I.
De Nederlandse samenleving gebruikt verschillende goederen en diensten die ecosystemen leveren – de zogeheten ecosysteemdiensten. Het zichtbaar maken van de toestand en trends van ecosysteemdiensten in Nederland kan helpen bij de oordeelsvorming en besluitvorming van natuur in Nederland door de overheid en het bedrijfsleven. Resultaten laten zien d...
Schütt, Jeroen Amelung, Bas
Door de vraag naar meer huizen en bedrijvigheid staan de groen scheggen van Amsterdam onder druk. Zo wordt de Lutkemeerpolder, onderdeel van de Scheg van West, omgevormd tot bedrijventerrein; een keuze die twintig jaar geleden is gemaakt, maar nog steeds op veel weerstand stuit van omwonenden. Stichting Behoud Lutkemeerpolder heeft de Wetenschapswi...
Hogeveen, Henk Steeneveld, Wilma Wolf, Christopher A.
Mastitis is the most important production disease in dairy farming, leading to considerable inefficiency in production. In 1992, an important paper describing a simple but very useful economic framework for production diseases in animal farming was published. In a systemic literature search, 77 articles were found on the economics of mastitis. Thro...
Franco, Marco P. V. Gaspard, Marion Mueller, Thomas
The paper focuses on Harold Hotelling's approach to time discounting in the context of the intertemporal allocation of exhaustible natural resources. In 1931, Hotelling introduces a positive discount rate when dealing with the “social value” or “total utility” derived from a resource. His position was in contrast with early economic literature on c...
Hogeveen, Henk Steeneveld, Wilma Wolf, Christopher A.
Mastitis is the most important production disease in dairy farming, leading to considerable inefficiency in production. In 1992, an important paper describing a simple but very useful economic framework for production diseases in animal farming was published. In a systemic literature search, 77 articles were found on the economics of mastitis. Thro...
Tóth-Naár, Zsuzsanna Naár, Tamás Antal Sőreg, Ádám Pál Vinogradov, Sergey
Published in
Visegrad Journal on Bioeconomy and Sustainable Development
The concept of sustainability and the feasibility options have been discussed in specialized literature sources for about three decades only. Sustainable development has several definitions; it is defined both in narrow and wider sense. The definition of sustainability is regarded inevitable because the sustainability of agriculture can be interpre...
López-Santiago, Marco A. Meza-Herrera, César A. Valdivia-Alcalá, Ramón
Abstract Introduction: Contingent valuation (CVM) is the most significant direct method for estimating the total monetary value of ecosystem services. Aims: The parametric and non-parametric methods of estimation of the willingness to pay (WTP) were compared through the intervals of the mean, to give recommendations of use in the valuation of ecosy...