Demografski razvoj v Beli krajini
Published in Journal of acquired immune deficiency syndromes (1999)
The increasing number of foreign-born children with diagnosed HIV infection in the United States requires specific considerations for care and treatment.
Arendt claims that our natality (i.e., our condition of being born) is the “source” or “root” of our capacity to begin (i.e., of our capacity to initiate something new). But she does not fully explain this claim. How does the capacity to begin derive from the condition of birth? That Arendt does not immediately and unambiguously provide an answer t...
Cílem bakalářské práce je zjistit trendy v ekonomickém a demografickém vývoji a jejich vzájemnou propojenost ve dvou krajích ČR, a to v Moravskoslezském a Ústeckém. Tyto územní jednotky byly vybrány na základě podobného průmyslového zaměření, historické migrace osob či častého označování za problémové regiony. Nejdůležitější částí je komparace kraj...
Long-term wolf (Canis lupus) research programs have provided many insights into wolf population dynamics. Understanding the mechanisms controlling responses of wolf populations to changes in density, environmental conditions, and human-caused mortality are important as wolf management becomes increasingly intensive. Competition with humans for ungu...
Abstract Variation in annual rainfall is considered the most important factor influencing population dynamics in dry environments. However, different factors may control population dynamics in different microhabitats. This study recognizes that microhabitat variation may attenuate the influence of climatic seasonality on the population dynamics of ...
ABSTRACT Potential of turmeric extract and its chemical fractions were evaluated to control the infestation of Bactrocera zonata peach fruit fly in a mortality-based bioassay. The turmeric extract (TE) was taken on Soxhelt's extraction apparatus and chemically fractioned by thin layer followed by column chromatography into 6 fractions (F1 ...F6). F...
Published in Public health action
Abstract available from the publisher.