Humphrey, Caroline
Cet article a deux objectifs liés : premièrement, attirer l’attention sur une composante importante, mais négligée, des relations sociales mongoles et bouriates, à savoir celles qui se nouent autour de la naissance et du lieu de naissance. L’enterrement rituel du placenta instaure un lieu de naissance auquel on attribue une force vitale censée « r...
Langlet, Karin
Denna essä undersöker rektors roll i en verksamhet där statligt uppdrag ser ut att kollidera med de förutsättningar som ges till skolorna via kommunen som finansiär och arbetsgivare. Upplevelsen speglas i situationer där lärare och vårdnadshavare ser ut att ha en annan förståelse för skolans uppdrag än den som rektor upplever sig ha utifrån de styr...
Connan-Pintado, Christiane
International audience
Blažič, Milena Iseni, Arburim
Oscar Wilde or Oscar Fingal O’Flahertie Wills Wilde (1854–1900) is an Irish poet, writer and playwright who became famous for his novel The Picture of Dorian Gray (1891) and dramatic texts. It is known that Wilde wrote two books of fairy tales for his two sons, Cyril and Vyvyan, namely The Happy Prince and Other Stories (1888) and A House of Pomegr...
Ajuonuma, Reginald
Published in
The Journal of analytical psychology
炼金术化的俄狄浦斯:这一神话的再读 俄狄浦斯神话是深度心理学的基础, 这源于弗洛伊德在创立精神分析学时使用了索福克勒斯的戏剧《俄狄浦斯王》。尽管荣格也很重视神话, 但分析心理学对这一神话的探讨却很有限。对俄狄浦斯缺乏成熟的荣格学派的回应, 这意味着神话中心理建构的元素被忽视了, 而更多采用了弗洛伊德的还原性解释。我探讨了分析心理学能否通过将俄狄浦斯的故事重新诠释为父性的重生, 从而成效地重新理解俄狄浦斯。文章把《俄狄浦斯王》所描绘时期之前和之后部分的神话重新整合进来, 从而实现了对俄狄浦斯的重新理解。这一处理方式将俄狄浦斯的父亲拉伊俄斯国王重新纳入故事, 并揭示了其与炼金术中 “国王通过儿子获得新生 ”之间的重要类似之处。利用荣格的放大法, 俄狄浦斯被重塑为拉伊俄斯的救赎者, 并被认为是心理...
Wojtysiak-Wawrzyniak, Katarzyna
The reception of the heritage of the Mediterranean Antiquity is one of research areas in theatre. The mythological tradition is the basic structure of creative imagination. This article reviews the presence of the Odyssey in the Spanish theatre of the 20th century. It examines the influence, use, and transformation of the Odyssey in three works: El...
Kubicki, Łukasz
This paper aims to illustrate how the tradition of Basil I’s rise to power in the Vita Basilii includes elements typical of heroic myths, according to Joseph Campbell’s monomyth scheme. The study presented here will examine how the narrative contains features such as a call to adventure, a series of trials and a motive for return. Moreover, the stu...
Koval, Valeriya
V svojem diplomskem delu se osredotočam predvsem na področje mitologizacije izbrane luksuzne blagovne znamke Dior na Instagramu v povezavi z medijatizacijo ter na področje sanjarjenja modernega potrošnika kot posledico. Skladno z raziskovalnimi vprašanji se opiram na znanstveno literaturo s področij mita, mode, luksuznega znamčenja, potrošne kultur...
Šuler-Galos, Jasmina
V romanu Namesto koga roža cveti (1991) je romska skupnost razumljena modernistično, kot zaprta in razmeroma stabilna monada, ki je varna samo, dokler ne poskuša prestopiti lastnih meja. V romanu Nedotakljivi (2007) meje etničnih skupnosti niso tako ostre kot v zgodnejšem romanu, romska skupnost je utemeljena mitično, zgodbo dramatiziranega pripove...
Lemaire, Julie
Proceeding from fiction, the pattern of Jewish conspiracy is the topic of many tales in Albert Cohen’s work. The first level of this fiction is located among a social discourse which is full of prejudices, full of rumors. The Jew becomes the scapegoat of a community which considers him responsible for all evils of the modern world. By this way, the...