A method was devised for estimating vitamin D in roughages. After boiling with 10 % alcoholic KOH the material was extracted with petroleum ether, and purified by chromatography through an activated alumina column with petroleum ether. Chromatography removed an unsaponifiable factor antagonistic to vitamin D. The eluate was assayed by the curative ...
The cause of the decreased food intake and lower growth rate of animals fed on rye was investigated. With rats it was proved that the causative agent was soluble in petroleum ether and acetone. The growth inhibitor was identified as a mixture of 5-n-alkyl resorcinols with odd numbered side-chains of 15-23 C atoms, and of smaller amounts of 5-alkeny...
To evaluate the effect of selection for parameters of a growth curve, four selection lines and a control line were started from one base population. In the selection lines is selected for a large and a small relative growth rate between 21 and 29 days (RGH and RGL) and for a large and small bodyweight at 56 days (W56H and W56L). Besides the direct ...
In this section, the order of the articles has not been closely followed. Each point ends with the number(s) of the article(s) (as given in the contents), where the conclusion is based on.1) Cytological meiotic studies of T(2;8)26H and T(1;13)70H heterozygotes and Ts(1 13)70H tertiary trisomics indicate, that chiasmata are more often located in the...
The effects of naturally occurring microsomal enzyme inducers on important hepatocellular pathways for the metabolism of foreign compounds (xenobiotics) and also upon the incidence of liver tumours in CF-1 mice treated or not with 10 mg dieldrin.kg -1diet were investigated using animals maintained on semi-synthetic diet and filter paper bedding as ...
In this thesis a start was made with meiotic observations of mouse translocation types - a Robertsonian translocation and a translocation between a metacentric and an acrocentric chromosome - which also occur in man. It is generally accepted that, when no chromosomal rearrangements are involved, man shows a higher level of non-disjunction than the ...
The studies reported in this thesis primarily deal with the influence of vitamin A (all-trans retinol) and cigarette smoke condensate on cellular proliferation, and differentiation and intercellular communication in tracheal epithelium. The experiments were carried out with Syrian Golden hamster tracheas and primary tracheal epithelial cells mainta...
A variety of xenobiotic compounds is known to induce characteristic changes in the livers of laboratory animals. These changes include enlargement of the liver, usually as a result of cell enlargement (hypertrophy) or Increased cell replication (hyperplasia), induction of drugmetabolizing enzymes and proliferation of the smooth endoplasmic reticulu...