Hernández Medina, Carlos Alberto Carrasco Fuentes, Magdalys Alibet Perdomo Vázquez, José Manuel
Objective: The study presents an effort to provide universities, organizations, and local actors with an epistemological and practical tool whose general aim is to design a model for the formation of competence in knowledge management and innovation for local agricultural development in students. of agricultural sciences. Methodology: This method j...
Porras, Jefferson Navarrete, Luis Ramírez, Jorge Paredes, Sebastián
Para modelar y simular una turbina eólica con éxito, hay que seguir un proceso de diseño detallado esto incluye determinar el tamaño y la forma de las palas del rotor, calcular el par requerido por el generador, seleccionar los materiales adecuados para la construcción el funcionamiento de un aerogenerador de espiral de Arquímedes que ha sido expue...
Ríos Cuesta, Wilmer
Purpose: The tasks proposed to students have an impact on the cognitive activity they develop and on the construction of concepts and joint meanings. In this article we propose two tasks to promote interactivity in class mediated by argumentation processes with the use of GeoGebra. Description: Dynamic geometry environments allow students to experi...
Uhu-Yam, Wilbert David Frausto-Martínez, Oscar Castillo, José Francisco Rodríguez Colín-Olivares, Orlando
Resumen Este trabajo tiene el objetivo de proponer y analizar factores para la construcción de un índice de vulnerabilidad a la contaminación de acuíferos kársticos costeros urbanizados. Debido a las altas modificaciones antrópica de los territorios, se tomó como área de estudio la ciudad de Playa del Carmen, Quintana Roo. Se abordaron cuatro facto...
Simg, René Trigueros Gaisman, María
Linear programming constitutes university students’ first approach to numerical optimization. The involved concepts require a high level of abstraction. It is thus important to understand how they are constructed. This study presents the results obtained from the use of an APOS Theory based didactical model together with a simple modeling problem t...
Padilla-Escorcia, Iván Andrés Acevedo Rincón, Jenny Patricia
Introduction : in the teaching of mathematics, the use of technological resources has become important in teaching practices. However, on some occasions the non-professionalization of teachers in the classroom prevents them from being able to use this type of tools effectively and in accordance with today’s educational needs. Objective: characteriz...
Uhu Yam, Wilbert David Frausto Martínez, Oscar Rodríguez Castillo, José Francisco Colín Olivares, Orlando
The aim of this work is to propose and analyse factors for the construction of an index of vulnerability to contamination of urbanised coastal karst aquifers. Due to the high anthropic modifications of the territories, the city of Playa del Carmen, Quintana Roo, was taken as the study area. Four factors were addressed: relief, climate, sea level ri...
Montero Góngora, Deynier Columbié Navarro, Ángel Montero Laurencio, Reineris Trujillo Codorniú, Rafael Vázquez Seisdedos, Luis
In this research, the identification of the post-combustion sub-process of a lateritic ore reduction furnace was addressed, in the “Comandante Ernesto Che Guevara" Nickel and Cobalt Production Company, due to the fact that complex multivariable processes are generated in the furnaces of multiple hearths and its modeling contains a high rate of unce...
Laurencio Pérez, Álvaro Pérez Maliuk, Igor Pérez Maliuk, Olga
Determining technical losses in an electrical system is highly complex due to the large amount of information required for its evaluation. A solution to this problem is the evaluation of losses using an artificial neural network. In this work, a model for evaluating technical losses in subtransmission electrical networks was obtained by using artif...
Vázquez-Ochoa, Luis Antonio Correa-Sandoval, Alfonso Vargas-Castilleja, Rocío Del Carmen Vázquez-Sauceda, María De La Luz Rodríguez-Castro, Jorge Homero
RESUMEN La gestión del recurso hídrico es prioritaria en la agenda de la Organización de las Naciones Unidas. Tres vectores son esenciales, cantidad, calidad y escenarios del cambio climático en el recurso hídrico. En la región centro de Tamaulipas, México, destaca la red fluvial de la cuenca del río Soto la Marina, con los ríos Corona, Purificació...