Antelo González, Yaima Yiri Alfonso Robaina, Daniel
The research try to analyse the Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) based on a model of Compensatory Fuzzy Logic (CFL) in companies that apply the Entrepreneurial Improvement (EI). The CFL allows modelling the knowledge of the predicates correlated to the CSR concept by looking for the continuous refinement of the Management System in terms of th...
Torres Quintero, Jesus Ernesto Agudelo Valencia, Rafael Nikolay Ortiz Rodríguez, Oscar
This article is TECNOAMBIENTAL Research Group and with support from CAR -UNILIBRE agreement on the Comprehensive Water Resources Management Project in the subject of Groundwater. It was identified that the four wells where groundwater aqueduct exploited for the Municipality of Cota Cundinamarca offer daily 3'715,200L. Water demand of the urban area...
Leyva Martínez, Marlene Díaz Granados Bricuyet, Luis Manuel Arias Castro, Yamila Yamilé
The current professional training requires a teaching of basic mathematics that not only contributes to the development of logical thinking but understanding the world and the surrounding environment from the own professional situations, as well as building skills and reconstruct new knowledge; what it means to develop these skills, habits and basi...
González del Solar, G. Martín, P. E. Calderón, F. A. Maldonado, N. G. Maldonado, I. A.
RESUMEN Se aplica la modelación numérica de un edificio de mampostería cerámica cocida de fines del siglo XIX en la zona de mayor riesgo sísmico de Argentina mediante el método de los elementos finitos. Para la verificación estructural se formula un modelo no lineal, utilizando elementos tipo shell que simulan el comportamiento no lineal de la mamp...
Caleyo, F. Valor, A. Velázquez, J.C. Hallen, J.M.
En esta investigación se realizó un análisis de la evolución de la confiabilidad de ductos enterrados que transportan hidrocarburos basándose en cinco distribuciones de velocidad de crecimiento de defectos. Las distribuciones de velocidad de crecimiento utilizadas fueron: el valor único de velocidad de corrosión recomendado por la Asociación Nacion...
Espín Pérez, Mario Vega Lara, Boris Monteagudo Yanes, José P. Montelier Hernández, Sergio
The development of this paper is based on the study of cold water storage in air conditioning systems. To offset power consumption off-peak, as a tool to increase energy efficiency claim and reduce the cost of electricity in tropical hotels. To do this we proceed to estimate the thermal load profile Jagua by TRNSYS software, system design and testi...
Morales Soto, Astrid Cordero Osorio, Francisco
Neste artigo, apresentamos os resultados de uma pesquisa sobre a ressignificação da Série de Taylor em uma situação de modelação do movimento (SM-M). De acordo com a perspectiva epistemológica, o discurso matemático escolar habitual não leva em consideração o aspecto funcional da Série de Taylor. À luz dos trabalhos de Newton, esta perspectiva dest...
Sánchez-Flores, Óscar de Palma, André
Se presenta un análisis crítico sobre las metodologías y enfoques de modelación utilizados actualmente en la ciencia de los transportes. Se señalan inconsistencias que surgen de la confrontación entre la práctica, las herramientas de modelaje utilizadas y los desarrollos teóricos en varias disciplinas. Se plantean cuatro ejes de análisis: la modela...
Méndez Morales, Maikel
The hydrologic model SWMM was applied in the experimental watersheds of the Toyogres and Zopilote rivers in Costa Rica. The suite PEST was used for model‘s parameter optimization and sensitivity analysis. Initial parameterization of the model was based on high-resolution spatial information. In the calibration/validation process, 13 rainstorms, re...
Pérez Valdés, Gustavo Marrugo Llorente, Stefany Gómez Torres, José
This paper describes the generation and simulation process of computational models oriented to the analysis of the operational situations (OPSIT) of anti-air warfare (AAW) and antisubmarine warfare (ASW), with the purpose of evaluating the effectiveness of different combinations of threats, weapons, and sensors of the Colombian Navy. A detailed des...