Hařovský, Denis
Import 02/11/2016 / Bakalářská práce se zabývá mobilním elektronickým bankovnictvím v České republice. Práce seznamuje čtenáře s platebním stykem, jeho formami a nástroji, vývojem mobilního bankovnictví a popisuje aktuální vývojové trendy v oblasti bezkontaktního bankovnictví. Praktická část se zabývá hodnocením aplikací mobilního bankovnictví a do...
Kristoffersson, Caroline Rix, Tim
Användandet av internet i mobiltelefonen har ökat drastiskt de senaste åren och detta fenomen innebär att människor har tillgång till internet i större utsträckning än förut. De svenska bankerna har tagit tillvara på denna trend genom att utveckla mobila bankapplikationer där de erbjuder sina kunder möjligheten att utföra bankärenden...
Tarabasz, Anna
Fernández, Carlos
This research presents a proposed change to the development of a learning organization Banking green IT, smart grid based on environmental, organizational and ethical banking to universal banking. The methodology is exploratory and descriptive turn. We conclude that Universal Bank should ensure the active participation of the financial sector with ...
Crowe, Marianne Rysman, Marc Stavins, Joanna
Published in
Review of Network Economics
Although mobile payments are increasingly used in some countries, they have not been adopted widely in the United States so far, despite their potential to add value for consumers and streamline the payments system. We summarize short-term and long-term benefits from mobile payments, and analyze the economic framework of that market. Both demand-si...
Gupta, Sumeet Xu, Heng
For technologies such as electronic commerce, mobile payments, internet and mobile banking etc. customers are concerned about security issues that arise as a result of adoption of these technologies. However, in practice, we find that customers forgo their considerations of risk in the technology, if the benefits of using the technology overpower t...
Weber, Rolf H Darbellay, Aline
Published in
Journal of Banking Regulation
The use of mobile phones in order to effectuate banking transactions is bound to increase in a significant way in the near future. This growth in mobile financial services not only depends on technological advances, but also on consumer confidence in the provided services. Mobile financial services can be divided into mobile banking and mobile paym...
Riivari, Jukka
Published in
Journal of Financial Services Marketing
In the last decade mobile handsets have become ubiquitous. There are three times as many mobile phone users as online PCs and they are becoming very sophisticated and demanding users. Increasingly they will expect real-time information and access 24 hours a day, seven days a week, wherever they are in the world — and they want very high levels of s...
Gustafsson, Anders Wramsmyr, Mattias Claesson, Mikaela
Bankindustrin är ett typiskt exempel på en industri som har tjänat otroligt mycket på information- och kommunikationsteknologiapplikationer. Dessa applikationer tar formen av Internet-baserad banktjänst, som inkluderar transaktioner av värdepapper, kontouppgifter, presentation av räkningar och betalningar samt transfereringar mellan konton och indi...
wang, yi-ting
[[abstract]]隨著行動電話日益普及、無線通訊技術不斷創新,行動商務商機逐漸浮現,而行動銀行服務無疑是這股新興潮流中顧客最明確的需求。此外,策略聯盟近年來已成為企業成長、增加獲利的重要策略,企業藉由合作夥伴資源相互結合,帶來新業務的契機。因此,本研究主要目的係從「企業資源特性」、「策略聯盟動機」、「策略聯盟型態」以及「聯盟角色」探討目前國內行動銀行垂直與水平市場等相關產業在業務推動合作過程的相關看法,藉此歸納出企業進入行動銀行時可採用的商業模式。 本研究根據文獻歸納出目前國內行動銀行主要之商業運作模式有:行動設備製造商、無線網路系統提供者、加值卡系統提供者、行動銀行平台建置者、金融系統整合供應商以及金融服務供應商等六類。並利用個案研究法,針對行動銀行垂直市場中上下游代表產業進行訪談。...