Kontekstno odvisna aplikacija za mobilno bančništvo
L'évolution du secteur bancaire a vu l'émergence de services comme les applications mobiles. Cependant, leur adoption par les clients marocains est faible. L'objectif de cette étude est d'examiner les raisons sous-jacentes de cette situation. Une enquête en ligne, diffusée sur les réseaux sociaux et totalisant 98 réponses, a été réalisée auprès de ...
Purpose: This article aims to investigate the main drivers of mobile banking among Delhi–NCR consumers. The TAM (technological acceptance model) was used as a framework for this study. Only a few studies have looked at how online banking users in India plan to use other similar services, such as m-banking. In order to do this, a theoretical model w...
La Revue Mondes en développement a d’abord traité de la finance informelle qui est pratiquée, en Afrique surtout, depuis longtemps. La microfinance a fait ensuite l’objet de plusieurs dossiers thématiques et de quelques articles varia. L’article en fait la synthèse en distinguant l’impact de la microfinance sur la pauvreté, les conditions de sa pér...
While FinTech is a relatively recent subject in academic literature, it is widely acknowledged as one of the most notable innovations within the financial industry. Despite the growing interest in FinTech, there is currently a lack of comprehensive understanding regarding the exact implications it will have on established financial institutions. Th...
Published in Digital Health
Over the years, technology has revolutionized the operations of many industries, ranging from manufacturing and agriculture to financial institutions which are usually the first users of innovations. Owing to the recent technological trends in the financial sector, such as mobile money, artificial intelligence, and medical robotics, as well as the ...
Published in Frontiers in Public Health
Many firms in the modern world utilize m-banking systems to communicate with their consumers. The word m-banking refers to a widespread method of providing financial services and localization to customers. Since m-banking is important to both banks and users, it has been included in numerous literary works. As a result, embracing financial services...
La présente étude s’intéresse à l’impact des barrières à l’adoption des services bancaires mobiles sur le comportement des clients. Un modèle conceptuel inspiré du modèle MAT intégrant les barrières fonctionnelles et psychologiques ont été élaboré. L’étude empirique portant sur un échantillon de 368 clients particuliers des banques camerounaises no...