Lassalle, Martina
Resumen El presente trabajo se propone mostrar el modo en que la justicia penal reproduce valores heteropatriarcales mediante el castigo penal diferencial de madres y padres por asesinatos cometidos contra hijos e hijas. Tomaremos el caso de la Región Metropolitana de Buenos Aires y nos centraremos en examinar el modo en que el mito hegemónico muje...
Leñero, Carmen
Resumen: Este es un ensayo fragmentario, compuesto de reflexiones y aforismos, que vuelve creación la lectura crítica de El Cazador Celeste, del célebre ensayista y editor italiano Roberto Calasso (1941-2021), y The Resounding Soul. Reflections on the Metaphysics and Vivacity of the Human Person, compilación de Eric Austin Lee y Samuel Kimbriel que...
Ochoa Castillo, Patricia
El tlacuache es un animal importante en la mitología mesoamericana y se le menciona principalmente al hablar de periodos tardíos. Sin embargo, en el Preclásico, periodo más antiguo de la época prehispánica, y en particular en las colecciones de Tlatilco, el tlacuache está ampliamente representado en la cerámica, por lo que pudo haber tenido un pape...
Pérez Álvarez, Álvaro
The Spanish journalist Manuel Chaves Nogales (Seville, 1897 - London, 1944) published the biography of bullfighter Juan Belmonte (Seville, 1892 - Utrera, 1962) in 1935 in the graphic magazine Estampa. This biography, considered one of the best-written ones in Castilian, was released in weekly chapters. Belmonte was already at that time one of the m...
Breusa, Luca
In the last fifty years critics have written a large number of essays about the novel La Casa Verde by Peruvian author Mario Vargas Llosa, but there is still something to be said, es-pecially concerning the very peculiar mythical dimension that the author introduces into the book. The myth of the Green House is usually associated with the jungle, d...
Leñero, Carmen
This is a fragmentary essay, composed of reflections and aphorisms, created by the critical reading of El Cazador Celeste, by the famous Italian essayist and editor Roberto Calasso (1941-2021), and The Resounding Soul. Reflections on the Metaphysics and Vivacity of the Human Person, compiled by Eric Austin Lee and Samuel Kimbriel, which brings toge...
Arocena Badillos, Carmen Zubiaur Gorozika, Nekane Fernández de Arroyabe Olaortua, Ainhoa
The aim of this paper is to demonstrate that the film Blancanieves (Pablo Berger, 2012) embodies the main facets of cinematographic Spanishness. For that purpose, the article traces and points out throughout the film the presence of the four creative or artistic veins inherited from popular culture, in which, according to Santos Zunzunegui, Spanish...
Pontoriero, Andrea
According to Joseph Campbell (1959) the hero’s journey poses a dynamic of separation and transformation: the hero takes charge of his call to undertake the adventure when he is ready to do so. This time we will focus on a heroine who has become a mythical character who transcends the borders of Argentina and is recognized worldwide: Evita. The part...
Nieto Ibáñez, J. María
La creación artificial de la vida humana, las máquinas, los robots y androides serán un argumento que pondrá de moda el mito de Prometeo en un formato nuevo, el cine. La novela Frankenstein o el moderno Prometeo, que Mary Wollstonecraft Shelly publicó en 1818, es el comienzo de una serie de relecturas del mito de Prometeo y el precedente de numeros...
González Hortigüela, Tecla Canga Sosa, Manuel Ángel
It could be said that Melancholia (2011) is the most romantic film by Danish filmmaker Lars von Trier, not only because of the great lyrical power of its images, its beauty, darkness and fatalism, but also, and especially, because it is presented as a postmodern paraphrase of the old myth of Tristan and Iseult, whose operatic version was premiered ...