Kaplanian, Patrick Vallauri, Lucy
L’auteur résume tout d’abord deux version du mythe d’origine du peuplement du Ladakh qui sont en faut des mythes de la condition humaine. Il analyse ensuite le symbolisme qui sous-tend l’usage et le choix des termes qui désignent les parties du moulin et du fuseau. Ce symbolisme révèle un aspect important de la division sexuelle du travail.
Miejac, Emmanuelle
International audience
Sachweh, J.
Published in
Developments in Mineral Processing
Kelly, B. Geraghty, D.
Published in
Developments in Mineral Processing
Belmont, Alain
RésuméCroisant les informations issues d’une fouille archéologique et de la lecture des archives (actes notariés, livres de comptes, etc.), l’article suit la montée en puissance d’une grande carrière de meules de moulins, dont les pierres s’exportèrent de plus en plus loin aux xviie et xviiie siècles, au détriment des meules issues de petites carri...
Hälvä, Tanja
The most environmental threats within the pulp and paper industry are of local or regional in character rather than global. The pulp and paper industry requests methods for assessment of the impact of specific mills on their local recipients. With recipient specific knowledge, taking in account the specific prerequisites of the recipient, it is pos...
Payraud, Nicolas
Etude de la place des édifices comtaux (château, moulins, pêcherie) au sein de la châtellenie de Miribel (Ain) dans les années suivant son rattachement au comté de Savoie
Gzogyan, T. N.
Published in
Journal of Mining Science
The features of magnetite composition and properties, as well as influence of its genetic forms on oxidation level and subsequent dressing are considered.
Serant, F. A. Pugach, L. I.
Published in
Power Technology and Engineering
Classifications of fossil fuels into explosive risk groups suggested by various organizations are discussed. Preference is given to the VTI classification based on the explosiveness factor. It is stressed that the temperatures of the air-fuel mixture at the outlet from the mill should be necessarily stipulated by the operational rules.
Gaete‐Garreton, L Vargas‐Hernandez, Y Chamayou, Alain Dodds, John A. Valderama‐Reyes, W Montoya‐Vitini, F
It is widely known that particle size reduction processes have a low energetic efficiency. In this paper, we present experimental results obtained by a new grinding machine using ultrasound to enhance the performance of a roller mill. The required energy consumption for a comminution operation appears to be significantly reduced by careful applicat...