Vaitekhovich, P. E. Borovskii, D. N. Grebenchuk, P. S. Tabolich, A. V.
Published in
Chemical and Petroleum Engineering
Ways to improve the efficiency with which materials are pulverized in impact centrifugal mills as well as ways of preventing wear of the blades are proposed. The problem is solved using equations that describe the motion of particles on the surface of the rotor in a polar coordinate system. It is discovered that the rate of impact of the particles ...
Vaitekhovich, P. E. Borovskii, D. N. Semenenko, D. V. Il’yashenko, E. O.
Published in
Chemical and Petroleum Engineering
Questions connected with the determination of the dynamic loads arising in the mobile components of a planetary mill with a gear drive are considered. The influence of the structural and technological parameters on the magnitude of the loads is analyzed. A horizontal planetary mill with external (respectively, internal) spinning of the grinding dru...
Reniere, Sibrecht
The research project puts a focus on stone artefacts (millstones, hone stones, etc.) traded, used and discarded in (the northern parts of) the Roman ‘Civitas Menapiorum’ and its neighbouring regions. This area is formed by the current Belgian provinces of East- and West-Flanders together with the Dutch province of Zeeland and is geologically charac...
Tomaszewski, Filip Walczak, Bartosz M.
Młyny stanowią istotny składnik krajobrazu kulturowego gminy Uniejów. W artykule zebrano dotychczasowe informacje dotyczące historii młynów na terenie miasta i gminy, ustalono z większym lub mniejszym prawdopodobieństwem lokalizację wiatraków w latach 30. XX w., wskazując na ich materialne pozostałości. Zarysowano stan obecny zachowanych młynów mot...
Petrov, S. M. Davletshina, G. K. Zairov, B. F. Zairov, L. F.
Published in
Russian Engineering Research
A method is proposed for determining the cutter profile of a mill.
Patterson, Geremy J Fenerty, Callaghan Welch, Bradley
Frolov, Vladimir Blinichev, Valerian Bogorodsky, Anatoly Vetyugov, Alexander
Published in
Technical Transactions
This paper presents the design of a new rotational vibration mill. Experimental research of abrasive wear of grinding bodies in the processing of quartz sand was conducted. The influence dependences of varied process parameters on the specific wear of grinding bodies are demonstrated. Besides, the influence dependence of particle size on the specif...
Lam, M. M. Serov, A. I. Smyrnov, Y. N. Ternavskiy, A. A. Bazarova, G. S.
Published in
Results are given for a complete processing scheme for manufacturing small diameter grinding balls of hardness groups III and IV produced from small cross-section continuously-cast carbon steel billet. The steel chemical composition and rolling and heat treatment regimes proposed have made it possible to produce balls of grinding hardness groups II...
Rigo, Jiří
Diplomová práce se zabývá problematikou vlastní spotřeby elektrické energie kotelny uhelné elektrárny. Teoretická část diplomové práce obsahuje popis částí kotelny, kterými se tato práce zabývá v praktické části. Jako například: mlecí okruhy, principy odlučování, odlučovače atd. Hodnoty vychází ze skutečného měření během garančních testů na uhelnýc...
Minvielle Larousse, Nicolas
Un corpus de 125 meules et fragments de meules associé à 309 éclats a été mis au jour en 2013 et 2014 lors de la fouille d'un moulin à minerai hydraulique sur le site de Brandes-en-Oisans (France, Isère, Huez). Intégré dans la chaîne opératoire des métaux polymétalliques (plomb, cuivre, argent), l'étape du broyage se place entre le concassage et le...