Setyaningsih, Dwi Fahma, Farah Purwoko, Wahyudi, Aria Tri Mahendra, Ilham Bintang
Published in
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Palm oil is Indonesia’s main export commodity and has many contributions to the economy. Palm Oil Mill is built by private or state-owned company with the minimum capacity of 30 tph and far from smallholder plantations. Transportation costs and delays have caused the quality of fresh fruit bunch decrease and prices have dropped in the farmer level....
Perrin, Cédric
En guise de conclusion des deux volumes de Technologie et Innovation sur les trajectoires d'innovations et d'innovateurs, cet article propose en contrepoint une brève réflexion sur les innovations sans innovateur, les inventions sans inventeur, à l'échelle du temps long de l'histoire, à partir de trois exemples : la néolithisation, le moulin et le ...
Kasprzyk, Michel Roms, Cédric
Augustobona chef-lieu de la cité des Tricasses, puis la ville de Troyes se sont développées en aval de la confluence de la Seine et de la Vienne, un de ses modestes affluents en rive gauche, à l’endroit où le fleuve quitte les terrains argileux de la Champagne humide pour les terrains crayeux de la Champagne sèche. De nombreuses sources historiques...
Platov, S. I. Dema, R. R. Latypov, O. R. Banshchikov, V. S. Mustafin, V. A. Kharchenko, M. V. Terent’ev, D. V.
Published in
Russian Metallurgy (Metally)
AbstractThe influence of the parameters of a through technology on a rolled-in scale defect is analyzed. To study the influence of the temperature behind stand no. 6 of the 2000 hot-rolling mill in sheet rolling shop no. 10 of PAO MMK on the rejection according to this defect, the temperature in the range 1030–1070°C is maintained on rolled strips ...
sedláček, jakub
Předmětem této diplomové práce je zpracování návrhu přestavby stávajícího Podbukovinského mlýna na rodinný penzion a jeho rozšíření o výstavbu stájí. Penzion je tak navržen s doplňkovým provozem, a to s možností zážitkového pobytu ubytovaných formou péče o ustájené koně nebo vyjížďky na koních po okolní krajině - agroturistika, agropenzion. Přestav...
johánková, eliška
Předmětem diplomové práce byl návrh obnovy a rekonstrukce areálu Podbukovinského mlýna v blízkosti Kláštera Mnichovo Hradiště v mladoboleslavském kraji. Návrh navazuje na předdiplomní projekt, který se zabýval urbnisticko-krajiným řešením údolí říčky Zábrdky (od Horní Bukoviny po Klášter Mnichovo Hradiště). Koncept areálu reaguje na současný stav. ...
Chumakova, L. A.
Published in
Russian Engineering Research
AbstractThe elastic torque in a section of the drive line with a gap is determined for a mill stand, in the case of variable external rolling torque. A correction factor is introduced to take account of the gap.
Nikolaev, V. A. Vasilyev, A. A. Vasilyev, A. G.
Published in
Steel in Translation
Abstract—According to research tests, the rolling-and-drawing of metal in nondriven rollers reduces the rolling force by 30 to 32% as compared with the rolling in driven rollers. A new method of determining the friction coefficient for a modified process flow sheet is proposed. As shown by the calculations, continuous strip mills used in the roll-a...
Carmler, Alexander
Sweden’s drug policy still invokes the ideas of zero-tolerance and prohibition despite the high reported number of drug-related deaths and arrest rates for using drugs in Sweden in the latest years. To reach knowledge about why prohibition of illegal drugs has remained such a strong staple of Swedish politics for the latest 60 years, this study ask...
Melo Pereira, Luciana Barrera Cañellas, Margarita Franconetti Manchado, Javier
The restoration and promotion of the mills on the island of Mallorca, located in the Balearic Islands, Spain, and their recovery as museums and multicultural enclosures, are not sufficient for their survival over time. The aim of this study is to propose the possibility of using these sites, both their main buildings and their surroundings, as venu...