Manual for generation of daily weather data
Rainfall data for the Netherlands have been used in this study to investigate aspects of heterogeneity of rainfall, in particular local differences in rainfall levels, time trends in rainfall, and local differences in rainfall trend. The possible effect of urbanization and industrialization on the distribution of rainfall has also been studied. Con...
De vraagstelling achter dit onderzoek was of er een trend waar te nemen is in het aantal zware zomerse neerslagen
An experiment of wind-profile measurements above a maize crop was described. First the mean ratio between the height of the adapted layer and the fetch was deduced from profile measurements at several positions in the field. The height-to-fetch ratio amounted to 1/64. Because of too small a fetch, the vertical transport of momentum between the maiz...
Rainfall series of different climatic regions were analysed with the aim of generating daily rainfall sequences. A survey of the data is given in I, 1. When analysing daily rainfall sequences one must be aware of the following points:a. Seasonality. Because of seasonal variation of features of the rainfall process the analysis is done for each mont...