Gonzalez Fermoso, F.
The objective of this research is the optimization of essential metal dosing in upflow anaerobic sludge bed (UASB) reactors used for methanogenic wastewater treatment. Optimization of essential metal dosing in UASB reactors is a compromise between achieving the maximal biological activity of the biomass present in the reactor, while minimizing the ...
Bijmans, M.F.M.
Dit proefschrift heeft als doel om processen te ontwikkelen voor selectieve metaal herwinning uit afvalwater and processtromen die meerdere metalen bevatten, door gebruik te maken van sulfaat reductie onder zure omstandigheden
van Griethuysen, C.
This thesis addresses the geochemical aspects of AVS (Acid Volatile Sulfide) and SEM (Simultaneously Extracted Metals) in floodplain lake sediment, its spatial distribution in floodplain lakes and dynamics over time, the link with effects on single species (bioassays), as well as the impact of excess SEM on the in situ benthic community, in one con...
van Leeuwen, H.P. Town, R.M. Buffle, J. Cleven, R.F.M.J. Davison, W. Puy, J. van Riemsdijk, W.H. Sigg, L.
Dynamic metal speciation analysis in aquatic ecosystems is emerging as a powerful basis for development of predictions of bioavailability and reliable risk assessment strategies. A given speciation sensor is characterized by an effective time scale or kinetic window that defines the measurable metal species via their labilities. Here we review the ...
Zandvoort, M.H.
Trace metals are essential for anaerobic microorganisms, because they are present as cofactor in many of their enzymes. Therefore anaerobic wastewater treatment systems using these microorganisms to perform biological conversions are dependent on these metals for their (optimal) performance. In practice these metals are supplied to the influent whe...
van Leeuwen, S.P.J. Pieters, H. de Boer, J.
Four biological materials have been prepared for use in QUASIMEME interlaboratory studies including a shrimp sample for metal analysis (QM01-1) and two mussel (QO01-3 and QO02-2) and one mackerel sample (QO02-1) for organic contaminant analysis.
Poelman, M.
Mauritania has several commercially interesting shellfish species, such as Venus verrucosa, Venus rosalina and Venerupis dura , in her coastal waters. In order to comply with the European standards and to export these shellfish to the European market a shellfish monitoring programme for parameters such as marine phycotoxins, toxic phytoplankton, me...
Weijma, J. Copini, C.F.M. Buisman, C.J.N. Schultz, C.E.
Metals of particular interest in acid mine drainage and industrial wastewaters include copper, zinc, cadmium, arsenic, manganese, aluminum, lead, nickel, silver, mercury, chromium, uranium and iron, in a concentration that can range from 106 to 102 g/l. The composition of such wastewater reflects the particular combination of heavy metals and produ...
Römkens, P.F.A.M. de Vries, W.
De huidige LAC-signaalwaarden voor bodemkwaliteit (gehalten aan schadelijke stoffen in de bodem waarbij normen voor gewaskwaliteit worden overschreden) zijn slechts beperkt geschikt voor een locatie-specifieke risico-inschatting m.b.t. zware metalen en arseen. Een overzicht en evaluatie van gebruikte en in ontwikkeling zijnde methodieken voor de sc...
Hamelijnck-Arts, M.S.J.
Terrestrial invertebrates offer meaningful targets for assessing the potential adverse effects of chemicals on soil ecosystems. Invertebrates play a major role in the functioning of the soil ecosystem by enhancing the soil structure, mineralization and the decomposition of organic material, and because of their role in the foodweb. The most dominan...