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with merleau_ponty as keyword
caglioti, camilla
Cet article permet de penser un lien entre la philosophie de la colonialité de Frantz Fanon et une empreinte phénoménologique qui est particulièrement proche de la pensée de Maurice Merleau-Ponty : Fanon appliquant, plus ou moins explicitement, plusieurs des concepts du phénoménologue dans ses écrits. Certaines œuvres de Merleau-Ponty sont explicit...
butzer, paul l.
carreras, piero
The paper tries to elucidate some of the implications of using phenomenology in anthropological research. The starting point is Blumenberg’s critique of the Husserlian Anthropologieverbot, against which he proposes a phenomenological anthropology as a “description of man” that can never be completed. This idea resonates with the use of phenomenolog...
koloskov, daniil
In this article, I will pursue three aims. First, I would like to demonstrate the non-transcendental character of Merleau-Ponty’s phenomenology, namely, his claim that a strict division between a priori and a posteriori is an abstraction that derives from a more primordial unity that is given in our lived experience. I will criticize authors such a...
roux, jeanne-marie