Gutiérrez Olivares, Claudia
The following text proposes a reflection on the victim category. This category is questioned in terms of its political character, trying to trace possible zones of enunciation, contexts of emergence, categorical entries, and uses. We attempt to draft an itinerary that addresses the victim as an analytical category and subjective experience, making ...
Andriotti Romanin, Enrique Salvador
Resumen. A finales de la década de los años 90 se realizó en Bahía Blanca, Argentina, uno de los denominados Juicios por la Verdad. En ese marco, el teniente coronel Julián Oscar Corres se convirtió en el primer militar argentino en actividad en brindar testimonio judicial tras las leyes y decretos que impidieron la persecución penal a los perpetra...
Mullaly, Laurence
Sommaire1. Laurence H. Mullaly, « Circe : le corps de la femme fatale selon Julio Cortázar et Manuel Antin », Les espaces du corps II, Arts visuels, Seminaria 2, sous la direction de E. Ramos-Izquierdo, Mexico/Paris, Coédition Rilma 2 et ADEHL, 2007, p. 23-40.2. Laurence H. Mullaly, « Silvina Ocampo y Lucrecia Martel : dependencias y promesas » (20...
Reyes Gutiérrez, Dulce Rocio
Resumen En este artículo se analiza cómo las niñas y niños migrantes centroamericanos construyen lo translocal en su realidad, haciendo uso de la imaginación y la memoria, en un contexto transnacional y contingente como el que experimentan en su proceso de movilidad. Se delinea un argumento que privilegia la voz de las infancias, sus memorias y pro...
Andriotti Romanin, Enrique
At the end of the 90s, one of the so-called Truth Trials was held in Bahía Blanca, Argentina. Within this context, Lieutenant Colonel Julián Oscar Corres became the first active Argentine military officer to give judicial testimony following the laws and decrees that prevented criminal prosecution of those responsible for the human rights violation...
Pereira Borges, Rogerio de Castro Silva, Gustavo
This work is a reflection on how the narrative journalism promotes the return of the dead to the center of the dis - course, retrieving their testimonies or making them tell their stories again through literary inspirational texts. With this end, we have analyzed some examples that show the use of this alternative, and at the same time we have comp...
Barrios, Gabriela Monsalvo, Marcos Pérez, Marcelo
En este artículo presentamos avances de una experiencia aún en proceso, que se desarrolla en un paraje rural del Impenetrable chaqueño, al nordeste de la República Argentina. Desde un enfoque político metodológico inspirado en la Educación Popular y en la Investigación Acción Participativa, este proyecto aborda la memoria y el patrimonio cultural c...
Manzanelli, Macarena Del Pilar
For several years, in a context of worsening territorial disputes and delegitimation by landowning families and the provincial judiciary, the Tolombón People-Community (province of Tucumán, Argentina) has promoted communalization processes in order to legitimise their territorial origin, possession and pre-existence. In this article, bonds with the...
Nieto, María
This article explores the relationship between photography and memory through the photographic archive of Adelina Dematti de Alaye, Mother of Plaza de Mayo- Línea Fundadora (foundation line). Based on the analysis of a photographic corpus from her personal archive, the paper analyzes the link that this woman, teacher, photographer and Mother of Pla...
Ferrada Aguilar, Mario
In recent years, both globally and locally, a profound change in the paradigm has been seen with respect to what has been traditionally accepted as a manifestation of heritage. In part, this conceptual and methodological transformation is due to the emergence of patrimonialization processes, driven by social conflicts that go against the institutio...