Tesche Roa, Paula SantaCruz Grau, Juan Carlos Esparza Saavedra, Verónica Marianela García Hernández, María
The Concepción Metropolitan Area (CMA) was one of the areas hit hardest by political repression and human rights violations during the dictatorship. Despite their impact, recent urban development has been erasing the materiality of memories linked to the period, highlighting the need to analyze and map their development in the territory. This artic...
Herrera Cortés, Martha Cecilia Torres Carrillo, Alfonso
This article presents a reflection on the imaginaries and symbolism present in some artistic creations (literature, visualand film) about the recent violence in Colombia, in which the Magdalena River has been a protagonist and in which can be seen the persistence of memories in the beliefs and representations of the riverside populations. Four aest...
Ortiz, María Laura
In this article we addressthe internal exile or insilio as one of the forms of affectation of State terrorism. The historical subject on which this research will focus is constituted by a fraction of the working class that had become involved with what was considered by the government as "subversion". An important part of those who, up to that mome...
Fiori, Ayelen
Este trabajo analiza desde una perspectiva etnográfica las narrativas de los documentos que conforman el Expediente de tierras de la “(Ex) Reserva Nahuelpan” del Instituto Autárquico de Colonización y Fomento Rural (IAC) de la provincia de Chubut. Estos documentos, cartas e informes de tierras forman parte de lo que llamaremos el “Expediente del de...
Conforti, María Eugenia Mariano, Mercedes Endere, María Luz
The objective of this paper is to address two digital spaces in the cities of Benito Juárez and Olavarría, located in Buenos Aires province (Argentina), which have in common the use of photographs as the symbolic trigger for the enhancement of memory and the promotion of citizen participation. A qualitative methodology was used, which included the ...
Valenzuela Rettig, Pilar Tesche Roa, Paula
This article addresses the textual subjectivities referring to the Chilean dictatorship in the work La Ciudad by Gonzalo Millán. The research questions are as follows: How are subjectivities represented in the work? How do they reconfigure violent events as memories of catastrophes? The proposed hypothesis is that the subjectivities are represented...
Abin Gayoso, Emilia
El Barrio Sur de Colonia del Sacramento (Uruguay) fue reconocido como Barrio Histórico a fines de la década de 1960 y como Patrimonio de la Humanidad por la UNESCO en 1995. Este recorrido es el resultado de un proceso de revalorización material y simbólico asociado a un contexto histórico nacional y global, a hallazgos arqueológicos de la época col...
Ayelén Mereb, Marina
Resumen: La figura del desaparecido como símbolo del terrorismo de Estado en Argentina ha sido profusamente abordada desde el retorno de la democracia a la actualidad. No obstante, aún existen problemas que requieren ser profundizados, tales como las actitudes sociales y la relación con el silencio en tramas locales. A partir del caso de Julio Schw...
Ricci, Évelyne
George Sand and Frédéric Chopin’s trip to the Balearic Islands at the end of the 1830s had all the makings of a missed opportunity. It marked the beginning of a thwarted relationship between France and the archipelago that owed much to the account that George Sand made of it a few years later. As the starting point of a literary and media construct...
Avilés Farré, Juan
In recent years, the traditionally forgotten victims have begun to be given a prominent role in the history and memory of terrorist events. The voice of the victims has begun to be heard. This article analyzes the contribution of the nine books published in Italy by direct victims or relatives of victims of terrorism, which deal with their personal...