Josefsson, Jonathan
In the wake of a steady flow of child migrants attempting to cross borders and states’ efforts to restrict immigration, various public controversies have arisen about the rights of asylum-seeking children. The ‘moral gap’ between the outcome of democratically enacted laws and the aim of controlling immigration, on the one hand, and public calls to ...
Merivirta, Adam
Eberstein, Hanna
What are borders? Walls, fences, barbed wires, sovereignty markers, nationalities, symbols, cultures, religions, skin colours, prejudices… Where are borders? In reality, in jurisdiction, in our minds, on maps, in citizenship, inside our bodies, in our gaze… What do borders do? Define, separate, exclude, include, discriminate, hurt, rape, reduce… Th...
Ardil, Hemrin
Inom den internationella privaträtt- och processrätten är lagvalsfrihet, s.k. parts-autonomi, ett allt vanligare inslag. Vad gäller makars förmögenhetsförhållanden förekommer lagvalsfrihet i svensk lagstiftning genom NÄF (som är tillämplig på äktenskap med endast nordisk anknytning) och LIMF (som tillämpas på övriga förhållanden med utländsk anknyt...
Linder, Emma Vallin, Lisa
The aim of the study is to examine and analyze social workers’ perceptions of law practice of supportive regulations for abused, undocumented women who are in need of protection, in order to problematize the connection between norm and practice in social service case management. In a qualitative approach, the study is conducted through eight interv...
Mannberg, Jonna
This study intends to concretize the concept of ”human dignity”, as well as see to its role inpolitics, and what consequences it has on juridical implementation. The discussion deals withthe importance of citizenship in Sweden. The purpose of the study is to focus onundocumented immigrants, their conditions and what implications a lack of citizensh...
Justegård, Vidar
In the year of 2010 the swedish parlament voted to annul conscript and replaced it with employed soldiers. This study examines the swedish political parties agruments during the debate prior to when the decision was made. The purpose of the study is to gain an understanding of the political parties different position in the debate. The main questi...
Nyman, Cecilia
Studien undersöker huruvida idén om multikulturalism som under flera decennier haft ett starkt fäste i svensk politik har fått göra plats för en kravbaserad integrationsmodell. Föreställningen om vissa kulturella gruppers isolering från det demokratiska samhället samt händelser som t ex terrorattacker kopplade till religiös extremism har fört fråga...
Lindahl, Klas
During the nineteenth century there was a series of reforms in the Swedish poor relief system. These changes laid the basis for the Swedish social policies implemented in today’s modern society. It is also during this period of time this paper has its focus. There were specific gender roles and citizenship ideals in the society and the aim of this ...
Ahlborn, Filip
Denna studie undersöker olika användningar av begreppet "de facto statslöshet" och vilka djupare implikationer begreppsanvändningen har. Med avseende på centrala dimensioner av begreppet där olika tolkningar förekommer (vem som är de facto statslös, hur de facto statslöshet tar sig uttryck och vad som orsakar de facto statslöshet) redovisas variati...