Child safety is a well investigated field of research, as is the field of children’s citizenship. This study explores the intersection between these two areas. The aim of the study is to explore children’s lived citizenship from their everyday knowledge about injury risks and safety. The idea of "lived citizenship" refers to how children understand...
Utanförskapet makt är en undersökning av hur begreppet utanförskap används inom statens offentliga utredningar, och skrivelser från regeringen, och vilka politiska möjligheter som skapas i och med hur begreppet används. Analysen visade att begreppen utanförskap i texterna används på många, sinsemellan skiftande sätt. Begreppsanvändningen karaktäris...
Utgångspunkten i arbetet är att människor som saknar rättigheter behandlas orättvist. Nancy Frasers rättviseteori stärker det påståendet. Hennes tolkning av rättvisa innebär att individer skall ha möjlighet att deltaga som jämlikar i alla strukturer som påverkar individen. Om individen saknar rättigheter saknar hon möjlighet att deltaga som jämlik....
Abstract: The adoption of new syllabuses in history and social science in the new Swedish curriculum raises questions on the relationship between the two subjects. Social Science and History as school subjects have previously been described as both competing and complementary. The competing aspect has mainly been descibed in terms of citizenship ed...
The aim of this master’s thesis is to trace examples of political rationality and governmental technologies in a selection of final reports of Swedish Public State Inquiries (SOU) where literacy and related concepts are fea-tured. I make use of the governmentality studies perspective developed by Nikolas Rose and colleagues. This can be described a...
Sustainable consumption is seen as a crucial political issue on the global agenda by politicians, the scientific community, and citizens who are worried about unsustainable consumption. However, several studies have shown that some consumers with "green" values do not consume sustainably – there is often a gap between attitude and behavior. One exp...
In countries where military conscription has been in force such service has been defined as a masculine duty as opposed to feminine caring and life giving duties. Conscientious objectors not only question a societal contract of duties and civil rights; they also challenge a politically hegemonic masculinity by opting out of one of its main homosoci...
Abstract Is it possible to create a more inclusive citizenship? The main objective of this essay is to explore the different possible ways of how to create a more inclusive society and citizenship based on the two principles of jus soli and jus sanguinis and how these principles are connected to the question of distributive justice. The method used...
Sport has been increasingly recognized in social policy as a means of steering social change and as a method for responding to diverse social problems. The present study examines how rationales of social change are formed through ‘sport as a means of responding to social problems’. Four research questions are posed: (1) How is it that sport can be ...