Figueroa-O’Farrill, José Prohazka, Stefan
Published in
Journal of High Energy Physics
We classify simply-connected homogeneous (D +1)-dimensional spacetimes for kinematical and aristotelian Lie groups with D-dimensional space isotropy for all D ≥ 0. Besides well-known spacetimes like Minkowski and (anti) de Sitter we find several new classes of geometries, some of which exist only for D = 1, 2. These geometries share the same amount...
Dunajski, M
We construct the normal forms of null-K\"ahler metrics: pseudo-Riemannian metrics admitting a compatible parallel nilpotent endomorphism of the tangent bundle. Such metrics are examples of non-Riemannian holonomy reduction, and (in the complexified setting) appear in the Bridgeland stability conditions of the moduli spaces of Calabi-Yau three-folds...
Buskin, Nikolay Izadi, Elham
As in the case of irreducible holomorphic symplectic manifolds, the period domain $Compl$ of compact complex tori of even dimension $2n$ contains twistor lines. These are special $2$-spheres parametrizing complex tori whose complex structures arise from a given quaternionic structure. In analogy with the case of irreducible holomorphic symplectic m...
Tennyson, D Waldram, D
We present a detailed study of a new mathematical object in E6(6)ℝ+ generalised geometry called an ‘exceptional complex structure’ (ECS). It is the extension of a conventional complex structure to one that includes all the degrees of freedom of M-theory or type IIB supergravity in six or five dimensions, and as such characterises, in part, the geom...
Bugden, M Hulik, O Valach, F Waldram, D
We introduce the notion of urn:x-wiley:00158208:media:prop202100028:prop202100028-math-0001-algebroid, generalising both Lie and Courant algebroids, as well as the algebroids used in urn:x-wiley:00158208:media:prop202100028:prop202100028-math-0002 exceptional generalised geometry for urn:x-wiley:00158208:media:prop202100028:prop202100028-math-0003....
Hezari, Hamid Lu, Z Rowlett, J
We show that non-obtuse trapezoids are uniquely determined by their Dirichlet Laplace spectrum. This extends our previous result [Hezari et al., Ann. Henri Poincare 18(12), 3759-3792 (2017)], which was only concerned with the Neumann Laplace spectrum.
Papadopoulos, G.
We present a definition of null G-structures on Lorentzian manifolds and investigate their geometric properties. This definition includes the Robinson structure on 4-dimensional black holes as well as the null structures that appear in all supersymmetric solutions of supergravity theories. We also identify the induced geometry on some null hypersur...
He, Siqi Walpuski, Thomas
We establish a Kobayashi-Hitchin correspondence between solutions of the extended Bogomolny equation with a Dirac type singularity and Hecke modifications of Higgs bundles. This correspondence was conjectured by Witten and plays an important role in the physical description of the the geometric Langlands program in terms of S-duality for N=4 super ...
Angelopoulos, Yannis Aretakis, Stefanos Gajic, Dejan
Published in
Annales Henri Poincaré
We show that degenerate horizons exhibit a new trapping effect. Specifically, we obtain a non-degenerate Morawetz estimate for the wave equation in the domain of outer communications of extremal Reissner–Nordström up to and including the future event horizon. We show that such an estimate requires (1) a higher degree of regularity for the initial d...
Cekic, Mihajlo Delarue, Benjamin Dyatlov, Semyon Paternain, Gabriel P
Funder: Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) / We show that for a generic conformal metric perturbation of a compact hyperbolic 3-manifold $\Sigma$ with Betti number $b_1$, the order of vanishing of the Ruelle zeta function at zero equals $4-b_1$, while in the hyperbolic case it is equal to $4-2b_1$. This is in contrast to the 2-dimensional ...