Ai, Wanjun Song, Chong Zhu, Miaomiao
We show the existence of Yang--Mills--Higgs (YMH) fields over a Riemann surface with boundary where a free boundary condition is imposed on the section and a Neumann boundary condition on the connection. In technical terms, we study the convergence and blow-up behavior of a sequence of Sacks-Uhlenbeck type $\alpha$-YMH fields as $\alpha\to 1$. For ...
Khuri, Marcus Weinstein, Gilbert Yamada, Sumio
We study the problem of asymptotically flat bi-axially symmetric stationary solutions of the vacuum Einstein equations in $5$-dimensional spacetime. In this setting, the cross section of any connected component of the event horizon is a prime $3$-manifold of positive Yamabe type, namely the $3$-sphere $S^3$, the ring $S^1\times S^2$, or the lens sp...
Darvas, T Nezza, ED Lu, CH
We establish the monotonicity property for the mass of non-pluripolar products on compact K\"ahler manifolds and initiate the study of complex Monge-Amp\`ere equations with arbitrary prescribed singularity. As applications, we prove existence and uniqueness of K\"ahler--Einstein metrics with prescribed singularity, and we also provide the log-conca...
Strickland-Constable, Charles
Published in
Journal of High Energy Physics
We examine how generalised geometries can be associated with a labelled Dynkin diagram built around a gravity line. We present a series of new generalised geometries based on the groups Spin(d, d) × ℝ+ for which the generalised tangent space transforms in a spinor representation of the group. In low dimensions these all appear in subsectors of maxi...
Nezza, ED Guedj, V
Let $Y$ be a compact K\"ahler normal space and $\alpha \in H^{1,1}(Y,\mathbb{R})$ a K\"ahler class. We study metric properties of the space $\mathcal{H}_\alpha$ of K\"ahler metrics in $\alpha$ using Mabuchi geodesics. We extend several results by Calabi, Chen, Darvas previously established when the underlying space is smooth. As an application we a...
Bielawski, Roger Romão, Nuno M. Röser, Markus
We explore the geometry of the Nahm-Schmid equations, a version of Nahm's equations in split signature. Our discussion ties up different aspects of their integrable nature: dimensional reduction from the Yang--Mills anti-self-duality equations, explicit solutions, Lax-pair formulation, conservation laws and spectral curves, as well as their relatio...
Bazzoni, Giovanni
The goal of this note is to give an introduction to locally conformally symplectic and K\"ahler geometry. In particular, Sections 1 and 3 aim to provide the reader with enough mathematical background to appreciate this kind of geometry. The reference book for locally conformally K\"ahler geometry is "Locally conformal K\"ahler Geometry" by Sorin Dr...
Gerig, Chris
For a closed oriented smooth 4-manifold X with $b^2_+(X)>0$, the Seiberg-Witten invariants are well-defined. Taubes' "SW=Gr" theorem asserts that if X carries a symplectic form then these invariants are equal to well-defined counts of pseudoholomorphic curves, Taubes' Gromov invariants. In the absence of a symplectic form there are still nontrivial...
Fischmann, Matthias Ørsted, Bent Somberg, Petr
We present Bernstein-Sato identities for scalar-, spinor- and differential form-valued distribution kernels on Euclidean space associated to conformal symmetry breaking operators. The associated Bernstein-Sato operators lead to partially new formulae for conformal symmetry breaking differential operators on functions, spinors and differential forms...
Liu, Yang
We first show that hypergeometric functions appear naturally as spectral functions when applying pseudo-differential calculus to decipher heat kernel asymptotic in the situation where the symbol algebra is noncommutative. Such observation leads to a unified (works for arbitrary dimension) method of computing the modular curvature on toric noncommut...