Besbris, Max Robinson, John N. III Angelo, Hillary
Real estate plays an essential part in various sociological theories of political economy, state capacity, racecraft, stratification, and urbanization. However, since foundational insights about the novelty of commodified, emplaced private property from theorists like Du Bois and Polanyi, these disparate threads have not been tied together into a c...
Börner, Tim Zinn, Manfred
Published in
Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology
At the International Symposium on Biodegradable Polymers (ISBP2022) in Sion, Switzerland, experts from academia and industry underscored the remarkable progress in biobased and biodegradable polymers (BBPs) since their initial commercialization around 50 years ago. Despite significant advancements, the technology readiness level (TRL), market adopt...
Hofman, Margot Trevenen-Jones, Ann
Published in
Frontiers in Sustainability
Hunger and malnutrition in all forms continues to rise in Africa and Asia. Urban and rural communities’ diets in Southeast Asia (SEA) are increasingly unhealthy, with consumption influenced by affordability and convenience. The cost of a healthy diet is a major barrier to accessing healthy foods in SEA. Wet markets are key places in food environmen...
Cooper, Gregory S Shankar, Bhavani
Published in
Environmental Research Letters
With the increasing likelihood of agricultural production failures under a warmer global climate, the importance of markets in providing access to nutrient-dense foods (NDFs) through trade is predicted to grow. However, regions with relatively poor access to markets and supporting infrastructures (e.g. roads and storage facilities) are potentially ...
Godeke, Tijmen (author)
This thesis aims to contribute to the policy debate on the complexity of passenger rail markets and to provide recommendations for the Dutch market. An extensive literature review has been conducted to identify the policy issues that must be discussed when dealing with passenger rail markets. These issues are structured in a theoretical framework t...
Blanton, Richard E. Feinman, Gary M.
Published in
Frontiers in Human Dynamics
Anthropologists have persistently diminished the importance of the market and marketplace exchange in premodern, preindustrial times. This strident anti-market mentality, derived largely from the writings of Karl Polanyi, underpins an ideological and politicized argument that neither sets useful guideposts to advance anthropological research, nor d...
Musset, Benoît
Les sociétés marchandes du monde rural sont assez méconnues. Pourtant, cette forme de coopération est choisie par de nombreux marchands du Maine au xviii e siècle, surtout dans le commerce des animaux (bovins, moutons, chevaux, porcs). Ces sociétés sont souvent des formes très simples et souples d’associations entre pairs, portant sur un type d’ani...
Mulder, Sebastiaan (author) Klein, S.A. (author)
To support increasing renewable capacity for a net-zero future, energy storage will play a key role in maintaining grid stability. In this paper, all current and near-future energy storage technologies are compared for three different scenarios: (1) fixed electricity buy-in price, (2) market-based electricity buy-in price, and (3) energy storage in...
Johansson, William
This study investigates the accuracy of prediction market forecasts of economic variables by using new data from the prediction market Kalshi’s markets for oil prices and US Treasury yields. Specifically, three methods of calculating a forecast from the market data are proposed and compared to benchmark ARIMA models, and Long Short-Term Memory (LST...
Shenker, Natalie Linden, Jonathan Wang, Betty Mackenzie, Claudia Hildebrandt, Alex Pueyo Spears, Jacqui Davis, Danielle Nangia, Sushma Weaver, Gillian
Published in
Maternal & child nutrition
Human milk (HM) is a highly evolutionary selected, complex biofluid, which provides tailored nutrition, immune system support and developmental cues that are unique to each maternal-infant dyad. In the absence of maternal milk, the World Health Organisation recommends vulnerable infants should be fed with screened donor HM (DHM) from a HM bank (HMB...