Zimmermann, Tania Regina Bahia, Cristiano Anderson
This article aims to investigate the writings of Etty Hillesum from a perspec-tive of his human condition and his deprivation of liberty in a Nazi concentration camp. From this space she begins to question herself and her condition as a woman, subject of desires for an inner process of change. To this end, he finds in the diary and letters the voic...
Langone, Laura
Resumo Este artigo tem o objetivo de mostrar as semelhanças entre o espírito livre de Nietzsche e o gênio de Schopenhauer. Em primeiro lugar, ambos compartilham de uma abordagem mística do conhecimento: perdem sua individualidade e identificam-se aos objetos do conhecimento com o intuito de obter conhecimento do mundo. Em segundo lugar, ambas as fi...
Mariani, Ceci Baptista de Oliveira Ribeiro, Claudio Campos, Breno Martins
This paper proposes an analysis centered on the flourishing of an “open--eyed mystique” in Latin America throughout the twentieth century, the so-called spirituality of liberation. Among the results of the research, there are elements of the mysticism that reveals itself with the meaning of “sigh of the oppressed”, according to Rubem Alves’ interpr...
Blanco Pérez, Carlos Alberto
Neuroscience has provided valuable tools for the analysis of philosophical problems; however, there is an ongoing debate over the role of neuroscientific evidence in the explanation of certain mental phenomena. The discussion focuses on the mystical experience and its neuronal bases, which makes it possible to carry out more generic considerations ...
Pereira, Henrique Manuel
Revisiting the poet Guerra Junqueiro (1850-1923), and taking into consi-deration the religious and political issues, in the light of which the poet’s past was weighed, and almost was his future mortgaged, the present paper proposes two roads or ways through which his so contradicted unity of thought runs. For this purpose, it travels around The Old...
Ferrer, Pilar
This research work seeks to highlight the influence that the great Span-ish mystic St. John of the Cross has had on the work of Karol Wojtyła-John Paul II,how Wojtyla met the Spanish mystic through Tyranowski and the influx found in Wojtyla’s PhD work. St John’s of the Cross authority and influence forges Wo-jtyla’s "style of thinking", which matur...
Machín Lucas, Jorge
This article is about mystical influence in the literary works of Juan Benet. This is a crucial aspect so as to understand the desire of the protagonists of his novels to return to the origin and to start over history against the evilness of a world in war and in destruction. Of course, it is a longing which has been frustrated by the cruel reality...
de Almeida, Edson Fernando
The category of divine pathos had got its strongest expression in Abraham J. Heschel. The prophet has no ideas and concepts about God, the prophet is one who undergoes a transitive action of God. It is not a fusion with God, it is about being affected by the pathos of God. For Heschel the mystical experience is an ecstasy of human being; revelation...
Secada, Jorge
Through a comparison between the roads to the contemplation and love of God of the cartesian meditator and of Saint Rose of Lima, the paper reveals an essential but ignored aspect of Descartes’s Meditations on First Philosophy. This leads the author to the formulation of interesting problems relating to the very nature of philosophy and the relatio...
Antunes Ferreira de Almeida, Gabriel
O artigo busca apresentar Michel de Certeau através seus escritos que retratam a mística na modernidade. O autor francês tem uma visão original da experiência mística, pois essa é ligada no seu íntimo com a sociedade. A mística moderna é a presença de um Outro que guia o místico ao encontro dos «outros», uma experiência fundada sobre um fundamento ...