Lodenius, Lina
This thesis analyzes how compulsory heterosexuality is present in Polish legislation on women* and trans* people’s reproductive and sexual rights. The aim of this study is to increase an understanding of how compulsory heterosexuality’s presence in legislation regarding reproductive and sexual rights can consequently affect women* and trans* people...
Tajik, Avidh
During the COVID-19 pandemic, European states have taken numerous measures to prevent the spread of the coronavirus. Several states have introduced various forms of compulsory vaccination against COVID-19. While vaccines are one of the most effective tools for protecting people against COVID-19, it raises the question to which extent states may jus...
Arnesson, Gisela
Offentlig upphandling är den process genom vilken myndigheter, regioner, kommuner och andra offentligt styrda organ anskaffar de varor, tjänster och byggentreprenader som krävs för att de ska kunna bedriva sin verksamhet och fullgöra sina uppgifter. Oavsett om det handlar om blyertspennor eller bussar till kollektivtrafiken ska anskaffningen ske ge...
Zeineddin, Mary Westergren, Andréa
Genom att genomföra en motivanalys angående USA:s uttalanden gällande brott mot mänskligarättigheter i Ukraina av Ryssland samt i Palestina av Israel, lyckades vi hitta motiv ochförklaringar till varför USA:s ställningstaganden såg ut som de gjorde. Valet av specifikt dessakonflikter baserades på faktumet att det är ungefär samma brott mot mänsklig...
Marklund, Maja
This essay contains a comparative case study of the concept of peace education in two WestAfrican countries: Ghana and Burkina Faso. The purpose of this study is to explain, understandand investigate how peace education can contribute to peace with Ghana as an example. Thepurpose of this study is also to explain, understand and investigate the effe...
Strömer, Sofia
Hassler, Sven
Masterprogrammet i Global hälsa vid Göteborgs universitet är frukten av ett unikt samarbete mellan fyra fakulteter och fem institutioner i syfte att ge studenterna verktyg för att anta utmaningen att minska den orättvisa fördelning av hälsa i världen. En hälsa som med globala perspektiv måste förstås utifrån bl.a. mänskliga rättigheter, hållbarhet,...
Österberg, Jenny
The thesis of this essay explores if there is a causation in youth (15-25 years) partnerrelationships between pornography consumption and sexual violence. The analysis includedperspectives of human rights, gender and consent. It has also been examined how to counteractthese issues and who’s responsibility it is to do so. These questions have been a...
Nygårdh, Lukas
Police brutality is a problematic feature of the American society that has caused civil unrest among the vast majority. The excessive use of force from American police forces sparked off a wave of protests during 2020 in which people called for the abolishment of unnecessary and unethical police violence against civilians. The importance of the Bla...
Söderin, Ida
The purpose of this thesis is to perform a critical discourse analysis on the upper secondary school act aiming to map which discourses that are being reproduced concerning unaccompanied youths, as well as the motivation behind the creation of the law. Furthermore, the purpose is to investigate the consequences of the discourses produced for unacco...