Cheng, Mow-Soung Zhen, Jenny X. Shoemaker, Leslie
Published in
Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering in China
Prince George’s County, Maryland, in the Washington D.C. metropolitan area has developed a best management practice decision support system (BMPDSS) to support analysis and decision making for stormwater management planning and design at both the site scale and the watershed levels. This paper presents a detailed description of the BMPDSS. A case s...
Szatko, Andrew D
The report looks at assessing the accuracy of estimating impervious surface areas (ISAs) by zoning code, the method utilized by the City of Omaha, Nebraska. A 101 acre subcatchment had all ISAs manually digitized and compared the actual with the estimated value. The subcatchment was then modeled with 10 percent decreases of ISAs to establish the re...
Maniquiz, Marla C. Kim, Lee-Hyung Lee, Soyoung Choi, Jiyeon
Published in
Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering
A structured stormwater infiltration system was developed and constructed at a university campus and monitoring of storm events was performed during a oneyear operation period. The flow and pollutant mass balances were analyzed and the overall efficiency of the system was assessed. While significant positive correlations were observed among rainfal...
Mir Mohammad Sadeghi, Majid Kazem
The Study Problem and Research Objectives. Fouling of water quality in receiving urban storm runoff is chronic in metropolitan areas across the USA and large cities worldwide. These urban areas have well-known problems of polluted storm runoff and urban flooding. Urban storm runoff exhibits deleterious physical-chemical-biological characteristics, ...
Aguirre, Paloma
As San Diego County continues to grow, so do the challenges to address stormwater runoff. Stormwater runoff can have significant impacts to coastal and marine ecosystems and the need to reduce water consumption and reuse gray water has never been as important as in our current situation. Stormwater is treated through a combination of biogeochemical...
Shafique, Muhammad Kim, Reeho
Published in
Ecological Chemistry and Engineering S
A low impact development (LID) is an alternative land development approach for managing stormwater that has been recommended instead of the traditional stormwater design. The main purpose of LID is to reduce the impact of development on water related problems through the use of stormwater management practices that infiltrate, evaporate, or harvest ...
Xiong, Li Jun Huang, Fei Xu, Zu Xin Li, Huai Zheng Gong, Ling Ling Dong, Meng Ke
Published in
Ying yong sheng tai xue bao = The journal of applied ecology
以上海市中心城区典型排水区域为研究对象,基于SWMM模型连续模拟2009—2011年降雨径流,分析区域235场降雨及地表径流特征.结果表明: 该区域发生频率较高的降雨具有雨量小、强度低的特点,雨量为0~10 mm、平均降雨强度为0~5 mm·h-1、降雨峰值为0~10 mm·h-1的降雨发生频率最大,分别占所有研究降雨场次的66.4%、88.8%和79.6%,这对于该区域应用低影响开发措施削减小雨量或低强度降雨下的径流和面源污染具有重要意义;径流量总体随着降雨量增大而增大,区域降雨产流临界值不仅与降雨量有关,还与平均降雨强度和降雨历时有关,2 mm以下的降雨基本不产流;2~4 mm的降雨如降雨强度在1.6 mm·h-1以下,产流量不到1 mm,当降雨量在4 mm以上、平均降雨强度大于1.6 ...
Walsh, Laura
The purpose of this Gap Analysis is to identify challenges and opportunities for agencies in San Diego to better manage stormwater with climate-smart strategies. In this report, ‘climate smart’ refers to a stormwater tactic that increases a system’s resiliency to both extreme dry and wet season flows while also enhancing local communities, business...
Sedyowati, Laksni Susanti, Eko Indah
Published in
Journal of Applied Engineering Sciences
Surface roughness has an important role in retarding the runoff velocity. The increase in paving blocks usage, particularly in urban areas, can change the surface roughness of the land. This study investigated the effects of four types of concrete block pavements (CBPs) in retarding the surface runoff velocity. Three design parameters based on CBP ...
Siddiqi, Rubia
Creeks and rivers are often polluted as a result of stormwater runoff that carries various contaminants in to open water bodies, causing adverse environmental and health effects. Low impact development (LID) techniques are currently employed to treat this runoff prior to discharge. Nitrate, however, is not consistently removed by these LID techniqu...