Consumer attitudes toward the ethics of neuromarketing in the Western Balkans
The course offers an interdisciplinary overview of the main perspectives on the human mind and related views on knowledge creation and learning, drawing from various core disciplines of cognitive science such as psychology, neuroscience, philosophy, and empirical phenomenology. It aims at revealing the connections between brain, experience and lear...
Bone fractures are among the main reasons for emergency room admittance and require a rapid response from doctors. Bone fractures can be severe and can lead to permanent disability if not treated correctly and rapidly. Using X-ray imaging in the emergency room to detect fractures is a challenging task that requires an experienced radiologist, a spe...
The classification of the musculoskeletal images can be very challenging, mostly when it is being done in the emergency room, where a decision must be made rapidly. The computer vision domain has gained increasing attention in recent years, due to its achievements in image classification. The convolutional neural network (CNN) is one of the latest ...
The classification of histopathology images requires an experienced physician with years of experience to classify the histopathology images accurately. In this study, an algorithm was developed to assist physicians in classifying histopathology images / the algorithm receives the histopathology image as an input and produces the percentage of canc...
Magistrska naloga predstavlja poskus razumevanja evolucije samozavedanja. V njej preverjam tri hipoteze: hipotezo gradientnosti, hipotezo socialnosti in hipotezo kompleksnosti. Prva predpostavlja, da ima samozavedanje več stopenj, tako v okviru ontogenetskega, kakor tudi filogenetskega razvoja. Druga predpostavlja, da je samozavedanje prilagoditev ...
V diplomskem delu skušam osvetliti potencialne možnosti za sodelovanje med sociologijo kulture in kognitivno znanostjo. Kognitivna znanost je interdisciplinarna veda, pri kateri na vprašanje “kaj je kognicija” vsaka veda poda nekoliko drugačen odgovor. Relativno ustaljena teorija o utelešeni kognicij zagovarja, da kognicije ni mogoče zvesti zgolj n...