Grunfeld, Eva Zitzelsberger, Louise Evans, William K. Cameron, Roy Hayter, Charles Berman, Neil Stern, Hartley
Published in
Cancer Causes & Control
Increasing cancer rates are a world wide problem. Efforts towards controlling cancer are most effectively implemented through national cancer control programs. The literature has emphasized prevention and screening as main starting points; by applying what we know a substantial amount of cancer could be prevented. As well, in the areas of access to...
McShane, Kelly E. Smylie, Janet K. Hastings, Paul D. Martin, Carmel M. Siedule, Connie Kigutaq, Eva Attagutsiak, Iga Attagutsiak, Elders Qapik Singoorie, Susanna Shappa, Kigutikajuk
Published in
Canadian Journal of Public Health
Objective: To develop a community-specific perspective of health information sources and dissemination strategies of urban Inuit to better guide health promotion efforts. Methods: Through a collaborative partnership with the Tungasuvvingat Inuit Family Resource Centre, a series of key informant interviews and focus groups were conducted to gather i...
Avard, Denise Bridge, Peter Bucci, Lucie M. Chiquette, Jocelyne Dorval, Michel Durocher, Francine Easton, Doug Godard, Béatrice Goldgar, David Knoppers, Bartha Maria
Published in
Familial Cancer
Today it is common to conduct research in collaboration with colleagues from different disciplines and institutions. The INterdisciplinary HEalth Research International Team on BReast CAncer susceptibility (INHERIT BRCAs), involves Canadian and international experts from diverse fields working with health service providers, patients and collaborato...
Wilson, Brenda J.
Published in
Familial Cancer
Evidence-based genetics health care is the conscientious use of current best evidence in decision-making at the clinical, administrative and policy-making levels. As knowledge generated from genomics research is integrated into medical care, the needs for appropriate evidence become more complex. The challenges to evidence-based care include: a lac...
Bowen, Sarah Martens, Patricia J
Published in
Journal of epidemiology and community health
Collaborative evaluation can make an important contribution to development of university-community partnerships. Qualitative methods (particularly key informant interviews, participant observation, and feedback processes) provided the richest source of data, and made an important contribution to team development.
Brussoni, M Towner, E Hayes, M
Published in
Injury prevention : journal of the International Society for Child and Adolescent Injury Prevention
This methodology represents an efficient way of gaining insight necessary for successful implementation of evidence based programs. It may be particularly useful in lower and middle income countries, serving to translate evidence into the local contexts and circumstances within which practitioners operate.
González-González, Ana I Dawes, Martin Sánchez-Mateos, José Riesgo-Fuertes, Rosario Escortell-Mayor, Esperanza Sanz-Cuesta, Teresa Hernández-Fernández, Tomás
Published in
Annals of family medicine
Primary care physicians working in settings where consultations are of short duration have time to answer only 1 in 5 of their questions. Better methods are needed to provide answers to questions that arise in office practice in settings where average consultation time is less than 10 minutes.
Jones, Alan E Shapiro, Nathan I Roshon, Michael
Published in
Academic emergency medicine : official journal of the Society for Academic Emergency Medicine
Research knowledge translation into clinical practice pathways is a complex process that is often time-consuming and resource-intensive. Recent evidence suggests that the use of early goal-directed therapy (EGDT) in the emergency department care of patients with severe sepsis and septic shock results in a substantial mortality benefit; however, EGD...
Bernstein, Steven L. Bernstein, Edward Boudreaux, Edwin D. Babcock-Irwin, Charlene Mello, Michael J. Kapur, Atul K. Becker, Bruce M. Sattin, Richard Cohen, Victor D'Onofrio, Gail
Effective preventive and screening interventions have not been widely adopted in emergency departments (EDs). Barriers to knowledge translation of these initiatives include lack of knowledge of current evidence, perceived lack of efficacy, and resource availability. To address this challenge, the Academic Emergency Medicine 2007 Consensus Conferenc...
Sawka, Anna M Magalhães, Lilian Gafni, Amiram Lewis, Gary F
Published in
Journal of multidisciplinary healthcare
Complete disclosure of financial CIs of sponsoring organizations and authors of CPGs is essential, yet the optimal approach to management of potential CIs is currently undefined.